// $Id: Subtractor.cc 4354 2018-04-22 07:12:37Z salam $
// Copyright (c) 2005-2018, Matteo Cacciari, Gavin P. Salam and Gregory Soyez
// This file is part of FastJet.
// FastJet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The algorithms that underlie FastJet have required considerable
// development. They are described in the original FastJet paper,
// hep-ph/0512210 and in the manual, arXiv:1111.6097. If you use
// FastJet as part of work towards a scientific publication, please
// quote the version you use and include a citation to the manual and
// optionally also to hep-ph/0512210.
// FastJet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with FastJet. If not, see .
#include "fastjet/tools/Subtractor.hh"
using namespace std;
FASTJET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE // defined in fastjet/internal/base.hh
const double Subtractor::_invalid_rho = -numeric_limits::infinity();
LimitedWarning Subtractor::_unused_rho_m_warning;
// ctor
Subtractor::Subtractor(double rho) : _bge(0), _rho(rho) {
if (_rho<0.0) throw Error("Subtractor(rho) was passed a negative rho value; rho should be >= 0");
// ctor
Subtractor::Subtractor(double rho, double rho_m) : _bge(0), _rho(rho) {
if (_rho<0.0) throw Error("Subtractor(rho, rho_m) was passed a negative rho value; rho should be >= 0");
if (rho_m<0.0) throw Error("Subtractor(rho, rho_m) was passed a negative rho_m value; rho_m should be >= 0");
_rho_m = rho_m;
void Subtractor::set_defaults(){
_rho_m = _invalid_rho;
_use_rho_m = false; // likely to change in future releases!!
_safe_mass = false; // likely to change in future releases!!
_sel_known_vertex = Selector();
_sel_leading_vertex = Selector();
// perform the subtraction of a given jet
PseudoJet Subtractor::result(const PseudoJet & jet) const {
if (!jet.has_area()){
throw Error("Subtractor::result(...): Trying to subtract a jet without area support");
PseudoJet known_lv, known_pu;
PseudoJet unknown = jet;
if (_sel_known_vertex.worker()){
// separate the jet constituents in 3 groups:
// unknown vertex
// known vertex, leading vertex
// known vertex, non-leading vertex (PU)
vector constits_unknown, constits_known;
vector constits_known_lv, constits_known_pu;
// For the parts related to the known vertices (LV or PU), we just
// sum the 4-momenta. For the unknown part, we assign it the full
// jet area.
known_lv = (constits_known_lv.size()!=0)
? SelectorIdentity().sum(constits_known_lv) : 0.0*jet;
known_pu = (constits_known_pu.size()!=0)
? SelectorIdentity().sum(constits_known_pu) : 0.0*jet;
if (constits_unknown.size()==0){
// no need for any form of subtraction!
PseudoJet subtracted_jet = jet;
return subtracted_jet;
unknown = jet; // that keeps all info including area
} else {
known_lv = jet; // ensures correct rap-phi!
known_lv *= 0.0;
known_pu = known_lv;
// prepare for the subtraction and compute the 4-vector to be
// subtracted
PseudoJet subtracted_jet = jet;
PseudoJet to_subtract = known_pu + _amount_to_subtract(unknown);
// sanity check for the transverse momentum
if (to_subtract.pt2() < jet.pt2() ) {
// this subtraction should retain the jet's structural
// information
subtracted_jet -= to_subtract;
} else {
// this sets the jet's momentum while maintaining all of the jet's
// structural information
return subtracted_jet;
// make sure that in the end the pt is at least the one known to
// come from the leading vertex
if (subtracted_jet.pt2() < known_lv.pt2()){
return subtracted_jet;
// sanity check for the mass (if needed)
if ((_safe_mass) && (subtracted_jet.m2() < known_lv.m2())){
// in this case, we keep pt and phi as obtained from the
// subtraction above and take rap and m from the part that comes
// from the leading vertex (or the original jet if nothing comes
// from the leading vertex)
return subtracted_jet;
std::string Subtractor::description() const{
if (_bge != 0) {
string desc = "Subtractor that uses the following background estimator to determine rho: "+_bge->description();
if (use_rho_m()) desc += "; including the rho_m correction";
if (safe_mass()) desc += "; including mass safety tests";
if (_sel_known_vertex.worker()){
desc += "; using known vertex selection: "+_sel_known_vertex.description()+" and leading vertex selection: "+_sel_leading_vertex.description();
return desc;
} else if (_rho != _invalid_rho) {
ostringstream ostr;
ostr << "Subtractor that uses a fixed value of rho = " << _rho;
if (use_rho_m()) ostr << " and rho_m = " << _rho_m;
return ostr.str();
} else {
return "Uninitialised subtractor";
// compute the 4-vector that should be subtracted from the given
// jet
PseudoJet Subtractor::_amount_to_subtract(const PseudoJet &jet) const{
// the "transverse momentum" part
double rho;
if (_bge != 0) {
rho = _bge->rho(jet);
} else if (_rho != _invalid_rho) {
rho = _rho;
} else {
throw Error("Subtractor::_amount_to_subtract(...): default Subtractor does not have any information about the background, needed to perform the subtraction");
PseudoJet area = jet.area_4vector();
PseudoJet to_subtract = rho*area;
double const rho_m_warning_threshold = 1e-5;
// add an optional contribution from the unknown particles masses
if (_use_rho_m) {
double rho_m;
if (_bge != 0) {
if (!_bge->has_rho_m()) throw Error("Subtractor::_amount_to_subtract(...): requested subtraction with rho_m from a background estimator, but the estimator does not have rho_m support");
rho_m = _bge->rho_m(jet);
} else if (_rho_m != _invalid_rho) {
rho_m = _rho_m;
} else {
throw Error("Subtractor::_amount_to_subtract(...): default Subtractor does not have any information about the background rho_m, needed to perform the rho_m subtraction");
to_subtract += rho_m * PseudoJet(0.0, 0.0, area.pz(), area.E());
} else if (_bge &&
_bge->has_rho_m() &&
_bge->rho_m(jet) > rho_m_warning_threshold * rho) {
_unused_rho_m_warning.warn("Subtractor::_amount_to_subtract(...): Background estimator indicates non-zero rho_m, but use_rho_m()==false in subtractor; consider calling set_use_rho_m(true) to include the rho_m information");
return to_subtract;