// $Id$
// Copyright (c) 2005-2011, Matteo Cacciari, Gavin P. Salam and Gregory Soyez
// This file is part of FastJet.
// FastJet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The algorithms that underlie FastJet have required considerable
// development and are described in hep-ph/0512210. If you use
// FastJet as part of work towards a scientific publication, please
// include a citation to the FastJet paper.
// FastJet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with FastJet. If not, see .
#include "fastjet/tools/JetMedianBackgroundEstimator.hh"
FASTJET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE // defined in fastjet/internal/base.hh
using namespace std;
double BackgroundJetScalarPtDensity::result(const PseudoJet & jet) const {
std::vector constituents = jet.constituents();
double scalar_pt = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < constituents.size(); i++) {
scalar_pt += pow(constituents[i].perp(), _pt_power);
return scalar_pt / jet.area();
double BackgroundRescalingYPolynomial::result(const PseudoJet & jet) const {
double y = jet.rap();
double y2 = y*y;
double rescaling = _a0 + _a1*y + _a2*y2 + _a3*y2*y + _a4*y2*y2;
return rescaling;
/// allow for warnings
LimitedWarning JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::_warnings;
LimitedWarning JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::_warnings_zero_area;
LimitedWarning JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::_warnings_preliminary;
// class JetMedianBackgroundEstimator
// Class to estimate the density of the background per unit area
// ctors and dtors
// ctor that allows to set only the particles later on
JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::JetMedianBackgroundEstimator(const Selector &rho_range,
const JetDefinition &jet_def,
const AreaDefinition &area_def)
: _rho_range(rho_range), _jet_def(jet_def), _area_def(area_def) {
// initialise things decently
// make a few checks
// ctor from a cluster sequence
// - csa the ClusterSequenceArea to use
// - rho_range the Selector specifying which jets will be considered
JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::JetMedianBackgroundEstimator( const Selector &rho_range, const ClusterSequenceAreaBase &csa)
: _rho_range(rho_range), _jet_def(JetDefinition()){
// initialise things properly
// tell the BGE about the cluster sequence
// setting a new event
// tell the background estimator that it has a new event, composed
// of the specified particles.
void JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::set_particles(const vector & particles) {
// make sure that we have been provided a genuine jet definition
if (_jet_def.jet_algorithm() == undefined_jet_algorithm)
throw Error("JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::set_particles can only be called if you set the jet (and area) definition explicitly through the class constructor");
// initialise things decently (including setting uptodate to false!)
// cluster the particles
// One may argue that it is better to cache the particles and only
// do the clustering later but clustering the particles now has 2
// practical advantages:
// - it allows to une only '_included_jets' in all that follows
// - it avoids adding another flag to ensure particles are
// clustered only once
ClusterSequenceArea *csa = new ClusterSequenceArea(particles, _jet_def, _area_def);
_included_jets = csa->inclusive_jets();
// store the CS for later on
_csi = csa->structure_shared_ptr();
// (re)set the cluster sequence (with area support) to be used by
// future calls to rho() etc.
// \param csa the cluster sequence area
// Pre-conditions:
// - one should be able to estimate the "empty area" (i.e. the area
// not occupied by jets). This is feasible if at least one of the following
// conditions is satisfied:
// ( i) the ClusterSequence has explicit ghosts
// (ii) the range selected has a computable area.
// - the jet algorithm must be suited for median computation
// (otherwise a warning will be issues)
// Note that selectors with e.g. hardest-jets exclusion do not have
// a well-defined area. For this reasons, it is STRONGLY advised to
// use an area with explicit ghosts.
void JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::set_cluster_sequence(const ClusterSequenceAreaBase & csa) {
_csi = csa.structure_shared_ptr();
// sanity checks
// (i) check the alg is appropriate
// (ii) check that, if there are no explicit ghosts, the selector has a finite area
if ((!csa.has_explicit_ghosts()) && (!_rho_range.has_finite_area())){
throw Error("JetMedianBackgroundEstimator: either an area with explicit ghosts (recommended) or a Selector with finite area is needed (to allow for the computation of the empty area)");
// get the initial list of jets
_included_jets = csa.inclusive_jets();
_uptodate = false;
// (re)set the jets (which must have area support) to be used by future
// calls to rho() etc.; for the conditions that must be satisfied
// by the jets, see the Constructor that takes jets.
void JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::set_jets(const vector &jets) {
if (! jets.size())
throw Error("JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::JetMedianBackgroundEstimator: At least one jet is needed to compute the background properties");
// sanity checks
// (o) check that there is an underlying CS shared by all the jets
if (! (jets[0].has_associated_cluster_sequence()) && (jets[0].has_area()))
throw Error("JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::JetMedianBackgroundEstimator: the jets used to estimate the background properties must be associated with a valid ClusterSequenceAreaBase");
_csi = jets[0].structure_shared_ptr();
ClusterSequenceStructure * csi = dynamic_cast(_csi());
const ClusterSequenceAreaBase * csab = csi->validated_csab();
for (unsigned int i=1;ihas_explicit_ghosts()) && (!_rho_range.has_finite_area())){
throw Error("JetMedianBackgroundEstimator: either an area with explicit ghosts (recommended) or a Selector with finite area is needed (to allow for the computation of the empty area)");
// get the initial list of jets
_included_jets = jets;
// ensure recalculation of quantities that need it
_uptodate = false;
// retrieving fundamental information
// get rho, the median background density per unit area
double JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::rho() const {
if (_rho_range.takes_reference())
throw Error("The background estimation is obtained from a selector that takes a reference jet. rho(PseudoJet) should be used in that case");
return _rho;
// get sigma, the background fluctuations per unit area
double JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::sigma() const {
if (_rho_range.takes_reference())
throw Error("The background estimation is obtained from a selector that takes a reference jet. rho(PseudoJet) should be used in that case");
return _sigma;
// get rho, the median background density per unit area, locally at
// the position of a given jet.
// If the Selector associated with the range takes a reference jet
// (i.e. is relocatable), then for subsequent operations the
// Selector has that jet set as its reference.
double JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::rho(const PseudoJet & jet) {
double our_rho = _rho;
if (_rescaling_class != 0) {
our_rho *= (*_rescaling_class)(jet);
return our_rho;
// get sigma, the background fluctuations per unit area,
// locally at the position of a given jet.
// If the Selector associated with the range takes a reference jet
// (i.e. is relocatable), then for subsequent operations the
// Selector has that jet set as its reference.
double JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::sigma(const PseudoJet &jet) {
double our_sigma = _sigma;
if (_rescaling_class != 0) {
our_sigma *= (*_rescaling_class)(jet);
return our_sigma;
// configuring behaviour
// reset to default values
// set the variou options to their default values
void JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::reset(){
// set the remaining default parameters
set_use_area_4vector(); // true by default
// reset the computed values
_rho = _sigma = 0.0;
_n_jets_used = _n_empty_jets = 0;
_empty_area = _mean_area = 0.0;
_jet_density_class = 0; // null pointer
_rescaling_class = 0; // null pointer
_uptodate = false;
// Set a pointer to a class that calculates the quantity whose
// median will be calculated; if the pointer is null then pt/area
// is used (as occurs also if this function is not called).
void JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::set_jet_density_class(const FunctionOfPseudoJet * jet_density_class_in) {
_warnings_preliminary.warn("JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::set_jet_density_class: density classes are still preliminary in FastJet 3.0. Their interface may differ in future releases (without guaranteeing backward compatibility).");
_jet_density_class = jet_density_class_in;
_uptodate = false;
// description
string JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::description() const {
ostringstream desc;
desc << "JetMedianBackgroundEstimator, using " << _jet_def.description()
<< " with " << _area_def.description()
<< " and selecting jets with " << _rho_range.description();
return desc.str();
// computation of the background properties
// for estimation using a relocatable selector (i.e. local range)
// this allows to set its position. Note that this HAS to be called
// before any attempt to compute the background properties
void JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::_recompute_if_needed(const PseudoJet &jet){
// if the range is relocatable, handles its relocation
if (_rho_range.takes_reference()){
// check that the reference is not the same as the previous one
// (would avoid an unnecessary recomputation)
if (jet == _current_reference) return;
// relocate the range and make sure things get recomputed the next
// time one tries to get some information
// do the actual job
void JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::_compute() const {
// check if the clustersequence is still valid
// fill the vector of pt/area (or the quantity from the jet density class)
// - in the range
vector vector_for_median;
double total_area = 0.0;
_n_jets_used = 0;
// apply the selector to the included jets
vector selected_jets = _rho_range(_included_jets);
// compute the pt/area for the selected jets
for (unsigned i = 0; i < selected_jets.size(); i++) {
const PseudoJet & current_jet = selected_jets[i];
double this_area = (_use_area_4vector) ? current_jet.area_4vector().perp() : current_jet.area();
if (this_area>0){
double median_input;
if (_jet_density_class == 0) {
median_input = current_jet.perp()/this_area;
} else {
median_input = (*_jet_density_class)(current_jet);
if (_rescaling_class != 0) {
median_input /= (*_rescaling_class)(current_jet);
total_area += this_area;
} else {
_warnings_zero_area.warn("JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::_compute(...): discarded jet with zero area. Zero-area jets may be due to (i) too large a ghost area (ii) a jet being outside the ghost range (iii) the computation not being done using an appropriate algorithm (kt;C/A).");
// there is nothing inside our region, so answer will always be zero
if (vector_for_median.size() == 0) {
_rho = 0.0;
_sigma = 0.0;
_mean_area = 0.0;
// determine the number of empty jets
const ClusterSequenceAreaBase * csab = (dynamic_cast(_csi()))->validated_csab();
if (csab->has_explicit_ghosts()) {
_empty_area = 0.0;
_n_empty_jets = 0;
} else {
_empty_area = csab->empty_area(_rho_range);
_n_empty_jets = csab->n_empty_jets(_rho_range);
double total_njets = _n_jets_used + _n_empty_jets;
total_area += _empty_area;
double stand_dev;
_median_and_stddev(vector_for_median, _n_empty_jets, _rho, stand_dev,
// process and store the results (_rho was already stored above)
_mean_area = total_area / total_njets;
_sigma = stand_dev * sqrt(_mean_area);
// record that the computation has been performed
_uptodate = true;
// check that the underlying structure is still alive;
// throw an error otherwise
void JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::_check_csa_alive() const{
ClusterSequenceStructure* csa = dynamic_cast(_csi());
if (csa == 0) {
throw Error("JetMedianBackgroundEstimator: there is no cluster sequence associated with the JetMedianBackgroundEstimator");
if (! dynamic_cast(_csi())->has_associated_cluster_sequence())
throw Error("JetMedianBackgroundEstimator: modifications are no longer possible as the underlying ClusterSequence has gone out of scope");
// check that the algorithm used for the clustering is suitable for
// background estimation (i.e. either kt or C/A).
// Issue a warning otherwise
void JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::_check_jet_alg_good_for_median() const{
const JetDefinition * jet_def = &_jet_def;
// if no explicit jet def has been provided, fall back on the
// cluster sequence
if (_jet_def.jet_algorithm() == undefined_jet_algorithm){
const ClusterSequence * cs = dynamic_cast(_csi())->validated_cs();
jet_def = &(cs->jet_def());
if (jet_def->jet_algorithm() != kt_algorithm
&& jet_def->jet_algorithm() != cambridge_algorithm
&& jet_def->jet_algorithm() != cambridge_for_passive_algorithm) {
_warnings.warn("JetMedianBackgroundEstimator: jet_def being used may not be suitable for estimating diffuse backgrounds (good alternatives are kt, cam)");