// $Id: RecursiveSoftDrop.cc 1192 2018-10-30 16:08:36Z gsoyez $
// Copyright (c) 2017-, Gavin P. Salam, Gregory Soyez, Jesse Thaler,
// Kevin Zhou, Frederic Dreyer
// This file is part of FastJet contrib.
// It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
// License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this code. If not, see .
#include "RecursiveSoftDrop.hh"
#include "fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh"
using namespace std;
FASTJET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE // defined in fastjet/internal/base.hh
namespace contrib{
namespace internal_recursive_softdrop{
/// \class RSDHistoryElement
/// a helper class to help keeping track od the RSD tree
/// The element is created at the top of a branch and updated each
/// time one grooms something away.
class RSDHistoryElement{
RSDHistoryElement(const PseudoJet &jet, const RecursiveSoftDrop* rsd_ptr, double R0sqr) :
child1_in_history(-1), child2_in_history(-1), symmetry(-1.0), mu2(-1.0){
reset(jet, rsd_ptr);
void reset(const PseudoJet &jet, const RecursiveSoftDrop* rsd_ptr){
current_in_ca_tree = jet.cluster_hist_index();
PseudoJet piece1, piece2;
theta_squared = (jet.has_parents(piece1, piece2))
? rsd_ptr->squared_geometric_distance(piece1,piece2) : 0.0;
int current_in_ca_tree; ///< (history) index of the current particle in the C/A tree
double theta_squared; ///< squared angle at which this decays
double R0_squared; ///< squared angle at the top of the branch
///< (used for RSD with dynamic_R0)
int child1_in_history; ///< hardest of the 2 decay products (-1 if untagged)
int child2_in_history; ///< softest of the 2 decay products (-1 if untagged)
// info about what has been dropped and the local substructure
vector dropped_delta_R;
vector dropped_symmetry;
vector dropped_mu;
double symmetry, mu2;
/// \class OrderRSDHistoryElements
/// angular ordering of (pointers to) the history elements
/// our priority queue will use pointers to these elements that are
/// ordered in angle (of the objects they point to)
class OrderRSDHistoryElements{
bool operator()(const RSDHistoryElement *e1, const RSDHistoryElement *e2) const {
return e1->theta_squared < e2->theta_squared;
} // internal_recursive_softdrop
// initialise all the flags and parameters to their default value
void RecursiveSoftDrop::set_defaults(){
// description of the tool
string RecursiveSoftDrop::description() const{
ostringstream res;
res << "recursive application of ["
<< RecursiveSymmetryCutBase::description()
<< "]";
if (_fixed_depth){
res << ", recursively applied down to a maximal depth of N=";
if (_n==-1) res << "infinity"; else res << _n;
} else {
res << ", applied N=";
if (_n==-1) res << "infinity"; else res << _n;
res << " times";
if (_dynamical_R0)
res << ", with R0 dynamically scaled";
res << ", with R0 kept fixed";
if (_hardest_branch_only)
res << ", following only the hardest branch";
if (_min_dR2>0)
res << ", with minimal angle (squared) = " << _min_dR2;
return res.str();
// action on a single jet with RecursiveSoftDrop.
// uses "result_fixed_tags" by default (i.e. recurse from R0 to
// smaller angles until n SD conditions have been met), or
// "result_fixed_depth" where each of the previous SD branches are
// recirsed into down to a depth of n.
PseudoJet RecursiveSoftDrop::result(const PseudoJet &jet) const{
return _fixed_depth ? result_fixed_depth(jet) : result_fixed_tags(jet);
// this routine applies the Soft Drop criterion recursively on the
// CA tree until we find n subjets (or until it converges), and
// adds them together into a groomed PseudoJet
PseudoJet RecursiveSoftDrop::result_fixed_tags(const PseudoJet &jet) const {
// start by reclustering jet with C/A algorithm
PseudoJet ca_jet = _recluster_if_needed(jet);
if (! ca_jet.has_valid_cluster_sequence()){
throw Error("RecursiveSoftDrop can only be applied to jets associated to a (valid) cluster sequence");
const ClusterSequence *cs = ca_jet.validated_cluster_sequence();
const vector &cs_history = cs->history();
const vector &cs_jets = cs->jets();
// initialise counter to 1 subjet (i.e. the full ca_jet)
int n_tagged = 0;
int max_njet = ca_jet.constituents().size();
// create the list of branches
unsigned int max_history_size = 2*max_njet;
if ((_n>0) && (_n history;
history.reserve(max_history_size); // could be one shorter
history.push_back(internal_recursive_softdrop::RSDHistoryElement(ca_jet, this, _R0sqr));
// create a priority queue containing the subjets and a comparison definition
priority_queue, internal_recursive_softdrop::OrderRSDHistoryElements> active_branches;
active_branches.push(& (history[0]));
PseudoJet parent, piece1, piece2;
double sym, mu2;
// loop over C/A tree until we reach the appropriate number of subjets
while ((continue_grooming(n_tagged)) && (active_branches.size())) {
// get the element corresponding to the max dR and the associated PJ
internal_recursive_softdrop::RSDHistoryElement * elm = active_branches.top();
PseudoJet parent = cs_jets[cs_history[elm->current_in_ca_tree].jetp_index];
// do one step of SD
RecursionStatus status = recurse_one_step(parent, piece1, piece2, sym, mu2, &elm->R0_squared);
// check if we passed the SD condition
if (status==recursion_success){
// check for the optional angular cut
if ((_min_dR2 > 0) && (squared_geometric_distance(piece1,piece2) < _min_dR2))
// both subjets are kept in the list for potential further de-clustering
elm->child1_in_history = history.size();
elm->child2_in_history = history.size()+1;
elm->symmetry = sym;
elm->mu2 = mu2;
// update the history
double next_R0_squared = (_dynamical_R0)
? piece1.squared_distance(piece2) : elm->R0_squared;
internal_recursive_softdrop::RSDHistoryElement elm1(piece1, this, next_R0_squared);
internal_recursive_softdrop::RSDHistoryElement elm2(piece2, this, next_R0_squared);
if (!_hardest_branch_only){
} else if (status==recursion_dropped){
// check for the optional angular cut
if ((_min_dR2 > 0) && (squared_geometric_distance(piece1,piece2) < _min_dR2))
// tagging failed and the softest branch should be dropped
// keep track of what has been groomed away
max_njet -= piece2.constituents().size();
elm->dropped_delta_R .push_back((elm->theta_squared >= 0) ? sqrt(elm->theta_squared) : -sqrt(elm->theta_squared));
elm->dropped_mu .push_back((mu2>=0) ? sqrt(mu2) : -sqrt(mu2));
// keep the hardest branch in the recursion
elm->reset(piece1, this);
} else if (status==recursion_no_parents){
if (_min_dR2 > 0) break;
// nothing specific to do: we just keep the curent jet as a "leaf"
} else { // recursion_issue
// we've met an issue
// if the piece2 is null as well, it means we've had a critical problem.
// In that case, return an empty PseudoJet
if (piece2 == 0) return PseudoJet();
// otherwise, we should consider "piece2" as a final particle
// not to be recursed into
if (_min_dR2 > 0) break;
max_njet -= (piece2.constituents().size()-1);
// If the missing number of tags is exactly the number of objects
// we have left in the recursion, stop
if (n_tagged == max_njet) break;
// now we have a bunch of history elements that we can use to build the final jet
vector mapped_to_history(history.size());
unsigned int history_index = history.size();
do {
const internal_recursive_softdrop::RSDHistoryElement & elm = history[history_index];
// two kinds of events: either just a final leave, potentially with grooming
// or a brandhing (also with potential grooming at the end)
if (elm.child1_in_history<0){
// this is a leaf, i.e. with no further substructure
PseudoJet & subjet = mapped_to_history[history_index]
= cs_jets[cs_history[elm.current_in_ca_tree].jetp_index];
StructureType * structure = new StructureType(subjet);
if (has_verbose_structure()){
structure->set_dropped_delta_R (elm.dropped_delta_R);
structure->set_dropped_mu (elm.dropped_mu);
} else {
PseudoJet & subjet = mapped_to_history[history_index]
= join(mapped_to_history[elm.child1_in_history], mapped_to_history[elm.child2_in_history]);
StructureType * structure = new StructureType(subjet, sqrt(elm.theta_squared), elm.symmetry, sqrt(elm.mu2));
if (has_verbose_structure()){
structure->set_dropped_delta_R (elm.dropped_delta_R);
structure->set_dropped_mu (elm.dropped_mu);
} while (history_index>0);
return mapped_to_history[0];
// this routine applies the Soft Drop criterion recursively on the
// CA tree, recursing into all the branches found during the previous iteration
// until n layers have been found (or until it converges)
PseudoJet RecursiveSoftDrop::result_fixed_depth(const PseudoJet &jet) const {
// start by reclustering jet with C/A algorithm
PseudoJet ca_jet = _recluster_if_needed(jet);
if (! ca_jet.has_valid_cluster_sequence()){
throw Error("RecursiveSoftDrop can only be applied to jets associated to a (valid) cluster sequence");
const ClusterSequence *cs = ca_jet.validated_cluster_sequence();
const vector &cs_history = cs->history();
const vector &cs_jets = cs->jets();
// initialise counter to 1 subjet (i.e. the full ca_jet)
int n_depth = 0;
int max_njet = ca_jet.constituents().size();
// create the list of branches
unsigned int max_history_size = 2*max_njet;
//if ((_n>0) && (_n history;
history.reserve(max_history_size); // could be one shorter
history.push_back(internal_recursive_softdrop::RSDHistoryElement(ca_jet, this, _R0sqr));
history.back().theta_squared = _R0sqr;
// create a priority queue containing the subjets and a comparison definition
list active_branches;
active_branches.push_back(& (history[0]));
PseudoJet parent, piece1, piece2;
while ((continue_grooming(n_depth)) && (active_branches.size())) {
// loop over all the branches and look for substructure
list::iterator hist_it=active_branches.begin();
while (hist_it!=active_branches.end()){
// get the element corresponding to the max dR and the associated PJ
internal_recursive_softdrop::RSDHistoryElement * elm = (*hist_it);
PseudoJet parent = cs_jets[cs_history[elm->current_in_ca_tree].jetp_index];
// we need to iterate this branch until we find some substructure
PseudoJet result_sd;
if (_dynamical_R0){
SoftDrop sd(_beta, _symmetry_cut, symmetry_measure(), sqrt(elm->theta_squared),
mu_cut(), recursion_choice(), subtractor());
result_sd = sd(parent);
} else {
result_sd = SoftDrop::result(parent);
// if we had an empty PJ, that means we ran into some problems.
// just return an empty PJ ourselves
if (result_sd == 0) return PseudoJet();
// update the history element to reflect our iteration
elm->current_in_ca_tree = result_sd.cluster_hist_index();
if (has_verbose_structure()){
elm->dropped_delta_R = result_sd.structure_of().dropped_delta_R();
elm->dropped_symmetry = result_sd.structure_of().dropped_symmetry();
elm->dropped_mu = result_sd.structure_of().dropped_mu();
// if some substructure was found:
if (result_sd.structure_of().has_substructure()){
// update the history element to reflect our iteration
elm->child1_in_history = history.size();
elm->child2_in_history = history.size()+1;
elm->theta_squared = result_sd.structure_of().delta_R();
elm->theta_squared *= elm->theta_squared;
elm->symmetry = result_sd.structure_of().symmetry();
elm->mu2 = result_sd.structure_of().mu();
elm->mu2 *= elm->mu2;
// the next iteration will have to handle 2 new history
// elements (the R0squared argument here is unused)
result_sd.has_parents(piece1, piece2);
internal_recursive_softdrop::RSDHistoryElement elm1(piece1, this, _R0sqr);
// insert it in the active branches if needed
if (elm1.theta_squared>0)
active_branches.insert(hist_it,&(history.back())); // insert just before
internal_recursive_softdrop::RSDHistoryElement elm2(piece2, this, _R0sqr);
if ((!_hardest_branch_only) && (elm2.theta_squared>0)){
active_branches.insert(hist_it,&(history.back())); // insert just before
// otherwise we've just reached the end of the recursion the
// history information has been updated above
// we just need to make sure that we do not recurse into that
// element any longer
list::iterator current = hist_it;
} // loop over branches at current depth
} // loop over depth
// now we have a bunch of history elements that we can use to build the final jet
vector mapped_to_history(history.size());
unsigned int history_index = history.size();
do {
const internal_recursive_softdrop::RSDHistoryElement & elm = history[history_index];
// two kinds of events: either just a final leave, poteitially with grooming
// or a brandhing (also with potential grooming at the end)
if (elm.child1_in_history<0){
// this is a leaf, i.e. with no further sustructure
PseudoJet & subjet = mapped_to_history[history_index]
= cs_jets[cs_history[elm.current_in_ca_tree].jetp_index];
StructureType * structure = new StructureType(subjet);
if (has_verbose_structure()){
} else {
PseudoJet & subjet = mapped_to_history[history_index]
= join(mapped_to_history[elm.child1_in_history], mapped_to_history[elm.child2_in_history]);
StructureType * structure = new StructureType(subjet, sqrt(elm.theta_squared), elm.symmetry, sqrt(elm.mu2));
if (has_verbose_structure()){
structure->set_dropped_delta_R (elm.dropped_delta_R);
structure->set_dropped_mu (elm.dropped_mu);
} while (history_index>0);
return mapped_to_history[0];
// implementation of the helpers
// helper to get all the prongs in a jet that has been obtained using
// RecursiveSoftDrop (instead of recursively parsing the 1->2
// composite jet structure)
vector recursive_soft_drop_prongs(const PseudoJet & rsd_jet){
// make sure that the jet has the appropriate RecursiveSoftDrop structure
if (!rsd_jet.has_structure_of())
return vector();
// if this jet has no substructure, just return a 1-prong object
if (!rsd_jet.structure_of().has_substructure())
return vector(1, rsd_jet);
// otherwise fill a vector with all the prongs (no specific ordering)
vector prongs;
// parse the list of PseudoJet we still need to deal with
vector to_parse = rsd_jet.pieces(); // valid both for a C/A recombination step or a RSD join
unsigned int i_parse = 0;
while (i_parse()) &&
// if this has some deeper substructure, add it to the list of
// things to further process
vector pieces = current.pieces();
assert(pieces.size() == 2);
to_parse[i_parse] = pieces[0];
} else {
// no further substructure, just add this as a branch
return prongs;