#ifndef G__SOLGEOM_H #define G__SOLGEOM_H #include #include // Class to create geometry for solenoid geometry // Simplified implementations with cylindrical and disk layers // // Author: F. Bedeschi, INFN - Pisa class SolGeom{ // // Units are m // private: const Int_t fNlMax = 200; // Maximum number of layers // B field Double_t fB; // B field in Tesla // Barrel layer properties Int_t fNlay; // Total number of layers Int_t fBlay; // Number of barrel layers Int_t fFlay; // Number of forward/backward layers Int_t fNm; // Nr. measurement layers Int_t *ftyLay; // Layer type 1 = R (barrel) or 2 = z (forward/backward) TString *fLyLabl; // Layer label // Barrel: PIPE, VTXLOW, VTXHIGH, DCHCANI, DCH, DCHCANO, BSILWRP, MAG, BPRESH // Fw/Bw: VTXDSK, DCHWALL, FSILWRP, FRAD, FPRESH Double_t *fxMin; // Minimum dimension z for barrel or R for forward Double_t *fxMax; // Maximum dimension z for barrel or R for forward Double_t *frPos; // R/z location of layer Double_t *fthLay; // Thickness (meters) Double_t *frlLay; // Radiation length (meters) Int_t *fnmLay; // Number of measurements in layers (1D or 2D) Double_t *fstLayU; // Stereo angle (rad) - 0(pi/2) = axial(z) layer - Upper side Double_t *fstLayL; // Stereo angle (rad) - 0(pi/2) = axial(z) layer - Lower side Double_t *fsgLayU; // Resolution Upper side (meters) - 0 = no measurement Double_t *fsgLayL; // Resolution Lower side (meters) - 0 = no measurement Bool_t *fflLay; // measurement flag = T, scattering only = F // // Double_t fRmin; // Radius of first barrel layer Double_t fZminPos; // Z of first disk in positive direction Double_t fZminNeg; // Z of first disk in negative direction void SetMinBoundaries(); // define inner box for fast simulation public: SolGeom(); ~SolGeom(); void Read(const char *data); Double_t B() { return fB; } Int_t Nl() { return fNlay; } Int_t Nm() { return fNm; } Int_t NBl() { return fBlay; } TString lLabl(Int_t nlayer) { return fLyLabl[nlayer]; } Int_t lTyp(Int_t nlayer) { return ftyLay[nlayer]; } Double_t lxMin(Int_t nlayer) { return fxMin[nlayer]; } Double_t lxMax(Int_t nlayer) { return fxMax[nlayer]; } Double_t lPos(Int_t nlayer) { return frPos[nlayer]; } Double_t lTh(Int_t nlayer) { return fthLay[nlayer]; } Double_t lX0(Int_t nlayer) { return frlLay[nlayer]; } Int_t lND(Int_t nlayer) { return fnmLay[nlayer]; } Double_t lStU(Int_t nlayer) { return fstLayU[nlayer]; } Double_t lStL(Int_t nlayer) { return fstLayL[nlayer]; } Double_t lSgU(Int_t nlayer) { return fsgLayU[nlayer]; } Double_t lSgL(Int_t nlayer) { return fsgLayL[nlayer]; } Bool_t isMeasure(Int_t nlayer) { return fflLay[nlayer]; } // // Define cylindrical box to use for fast simulation // Double_t GetRmin() { return fRmin; } Double_t GetZminPos() { return fZminPos; } Double_t GetZminNeg() { return fZminNeg; } }; #endif