/* This macro shows how to compute jet energy scale. root -l examples/Example4.C'("delphes_output.root", "plots.root")' The output ROOT file contains the pT(MC)/pT(Reco) distributions for various pT(Reco) and |eta| bins. The peak value of such distribution is interpreted as the jet energy correction to be applied for that given pT(Reco), |eta| bin. This can be done by modifying the "ScaleFormula" input parameter to the JetEnergyScale module in the delphes_card_XXX.tcl e.g a smooth function: set ScaleFormula { sqrt(3.0 - 0.1*(abs(eta)))^2 / pt + 1.0) } or a binned function: set ScaleFormula {(abs(eta) > 0.0 && abs(eta) <= 2.5) * (pt > 20.0 && pt <= 50.0) * (1.10) + (abs(eta) > 0.0 && abs(eta) <= 2.5) * (pt > 50.0 && pt <= 100.0) * (1.05) + (abs(eta) > 0.0 && abs(eta) <= 2.5) * (pt > 100.0) * (1.00) + (abs(eta) > 2.5 && abs(eta) <= 5.0) * (pt > 20.0 && pt <= 50.0) * (1.10) + (abs(eta) > 2.5 && abs(eta) <= 5.0) * (pt > 50.0 && pt <= 100.0) * (1.05) + (abs(eta) > 2.5 && abs(eta) <= 5.0) * (pt > 100.0) * (1.00)} Be aware that a binned jet energy scale can produce "steps" in the corrected jet pt distribution ... */ #ifdef __CLING__ R__LOAD_LIBRARY(libDelphes) #include "classes/DelphesClasses.h" #include "external/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootTreeReader.h" #include "external/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootResult.h" #else class ExRootTreeReader; class ExRootResult; #endif #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TLegend.h" #include #include "TString.h" #include "vector" #include #include #include "TGraph.h" #include "TGraphErrors.h" #include "TMultiGraph.h" #include #include "TLorentzVector.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ double ptrangemin = 10; double ptrangemax = 10000; static const int Nbins = 20; int objStyle = 1; int trackStyle = 7; int towerStyle = 5; Color_t objColor = kBlack; Color_t trackColor = kBlack; Color_t towerColor = kBlack; double effLegXmin = 0.22; double effLegXmax = 0.5; double effLegYmin = 0.22; double effLegYmax = 0.4; struct resolPlot { TH1 *cenResolHist; TH1 *fwdResolHist; double ptmin; double ptmax; TString obj; resolPlot(); resolPlot(double ptdown, double ptup, TString object); void set(double ptdown, double ptup, TString object); void print(){std::cout << ptmin << std::endl;} }; resolPlot::resolPlot() { } resolPlot::resolPlot(double ptdown, double ptup, TString object) { this->set(ptdown,ptup,object); } void resolPlot::set(double ptdown, double ptup, TString object){ ptmin = ptdown; ptmax = ptup; obj = object; cenResolHist = new TH1D(obj+"_delta_pt_"+Form("%4.2f",ptmin)+"_"+Form("%4.2f",ptmax)+"_cen", obj+"_delta_pt_"+Form("%4.2f",ptmin)+"_"+Form("%4.2f",ptmax)+"_cen", 500, -1, 1); fwdResolHist = new TH1D(obj+"_delta_pt_"+Form("%4.2f",ptmin)+"_"+Form("%4.2f",ptmax)+"_fwd", obj+"_delta_pt_"+Form("%4.2f",ptmin)+"_"+Form("%4.2f",ptmax)+"_fwd", 500, 0.4, 0.4); } void HistogramsCollection(std::vector *histos, double ptmin, double ptmax, TString obj) { double width; double ptdown; double ptup; resolPlot ptemp; for (int i = 0; i < Nbins; i++) { width = (ptmax - ptmin) / Nbins; ptdown = TMath::Power(10,ptmin + i * width ); ptup = TMath::Power(10,ptmin + (i+1) * width ); ptemp.set(ptdown, ptup, obj); histos->push_back(ptemp); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ExRootResult; class ExRootTreeReader; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void BinLogX(TH1*h) { TAxis *axis = h->GetXaxis(); int bins = axis->GetNbins(); Axis_t from = axis->GetXmin(); Axis_t to = axis->GetXmax(); Axis_t width = (to - from) / bins; Axis_t *new_bins = new Axis_t[bins + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= bins; i++) { new_bins[i] = TMath::Power(10, from + i * width); } axis->Set(bins, new_bins); delete new_bins; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template std::pair GetEff(TClonesArray *branchReco, TClonesArray *branchParticle, TString name, int pdgID, ExRootTreeReader *treeReader) { cout << "** Computing Efficiency of reconstructing "<< branchReco->GetName() << " induced by " << branchParticle->GetName() << " with PID " << pdgID << endl; Long64_t allEntries = treeReader->GetEntries(); GenParticle *particle; T *recoObj; TLorentzVector recoMomentum, genMomentum, bestRecoMomentum; Float_t deltaR; Float_t pt, eta; Long64_t entry; Int_t i, j; TH1D *histGenPt = new TH1D(name+" gen spectra Pt",name+" gen spectra Pt", Nbins, TMath::Log10(ptrangemin), TMath::Log10(ptrangemax)); TH1D *histRecoPt = new TH1D(name+" reco spectra Pt",name+" reco spectra Pt", Nbins, TMath::Log10(ptrangemin), TMath::Log10(ptrangemax)); TH1D *histGenEta = new TH1D(name+" gen spectra Eta",name+" gen spectra Eta", 12, -3, 3); TH1D *histRecoEta = new TH1D(name+" reco spectra Eta",name+" reco spectra Eta", 12, -3, 3); BinLogX(histGenPt); BinLogX(histRecoPt); // Loop over all events for(entry = 0; entry < allEntries; ++entry) { // Load selected branches with data from specified event treeReader->ReadEntry(entry); // Loop over all generated particle in event for(i = 0; i < branchParticle->GetEntriesFast(); ++i) { particle = (GenParticle*) branchParticle->At(i); genMomentum = particle->P4(); deltaR = 999; if (particle->PID == pdgID && genMomentum.Pt() > ptrangemin && genMomentum.Pt() < ptrangemax ) { // Loop over all reco object in event for(j = 0; j < branchReco->GetEntriesFast(); ++j) { recoObj = (T*)branchReco->At(j); recoMomentum = recoObj->P4(); // this is simply to avoid warnings from initial state particle // having infite rapidity ... //if(Momentum.Px() == 0 && genMomentum.Py() == 0) continue; // take the closest parton candidate if(genMomentum.DeltaR(recoMomentum) < deltaR) { deltaR = genMomentum.DeltaR(recoMomentum); bestRecoMomentum = recoMomentum; } } pt = genMomentum.Pt(); eta = genMomentum.Eta(); histGenPt->Fill(pt); histGenEta->Fill(eta); if(deltaR < 0.3) { histRecoPt->Fill(pt); histRecoEta->Fill(eta); } } } } std::pair histos; histRecoPt->Divide(histGenPt); histRecoEta->Divide(histGenEta); histos.first = histRecoPt; histos.second = histRecoEta; return histos; } template void GetEres(std::vector *histos, TClonesArray *branchReco, TClonesArray *branchParticle, int pdgID, ExRootTreeReader *treeReader) { Long64_t allEntries = treeReader->GetEntries(); cout << "** Computing resolution of " << branchReco->GetName() << " induced by " << branchParticle->GetName() << " with PID " << pdgID << endl; GenParticle *particle; T* recoObj; TLorentzVector recoMomentum, genMomentum, bestGenMomentum; Float_t deltaR; Float_t pt, eta; Long64_t entry; Int_t i, j, bin; // Loop over all events for(entry = 0; entry < allEntries; ++entry) { // Load selected branches with data from specified event treeReader->ReadEntry(entry); // Loop over all reconstructed jets in event for(i = 0; i < branchReco->GetEntriesFast(); ++i) { recoObj = (T*) branchReco->At(i); recoMomentum = recoObj->P4(); deltaR = 999; // Loop over all hard partons in event for(j = 0; j < branchParticle->GetEntriesFast(); ++j) { particle = (GenParticle*) branchParticle->At(j); if (particle->PID == pdgID && particle->Status == 1) { genMomentum = particle->P4(); // this is simply to avoid warnings from initial state particle // having infite rapidity ... if(genMomentum.Px() == 0 && genMomentum.Py() == 0) continue; // take the closest parton candidate if(genMomentum.DeltaR(recoMomentum) < deltaR) { deltaR = genMomentum.DeltaR(recoMomentum); bestGenMomentum = genMomentum; } } } if(deltaR < 0.3) { pt = bestGenMomentum.Pt(); eta = TMath::Abs(bestGenMomentum.Eta()); for (bin = 0; bin < Nbins; bin++) { if(pt > histos->at(bin).ptmin && pt < histos->at(bin).ptmax && eta > 0.0 && eta < 2.5) { if (eta < 1.5) {histos->at(bin).cenResolHist->Fill((bestGenMomentum.E()-recoMomentum.E())/bestGenMomentum.E());} else if (eta < 2.5) {histos->at(bin).fwdResolHist->Fill((bestGenMomentum.E()-recoMomentum.E())/bestGenMomentum.E());} } } } } } } void GetJetsEres(std::vector *histos, TClonesArray *branchJet, TClonesArray *branchGenJet, ExRootTreeReader *treeReader) { Long64_t allEntries = treeReader->GetEntries(); cout << "** Computing resolution of " << branchJet->GetName() << " induced by " << branchGenJet->GetName() << endl; Jet *jet, *genjet; TLorentzVector jetMomentum, genJetMomentum, bestGenJetMomentum; Float_t deltaR; Float_t pt, eta; Long64_t entry; Int_t i, j, bin; // Loop over all events for(entry = 0; entry < allEntries; ++entry) { // Load selected branches with data from specified event treeReader->ReadEntry(entry); if(entry%10000 == 0) cout << "Event number: "<< entry <GetEntriesFast()); ++i) //branchJet->GetEntriesFast(); ++i) { jet = (Jet*) branchJet->At(i); jetMomentum = jet->P4(); deltaR = 999; // Loop over all hard partons in event for(j = 0; j < TMath::Min(2,branchGenJet->GetEntriesFast()); ++j) { genjet = (Jet*) branchGenJet->At(j); genJetMomentum = genjet->P4(); // this is simply to avoid warnings from initial state particle // having infite rapidity ... if(genJetMomentum.Px() == 0 && genJetMomentum.Py() == 0) continue; // take the closest parton candidate if(genJetMomentum.DeltaR(jetMomentum) < deltaR) { deltaR = genJetMomentum.DeltaR(jetMomentum); bestGenJetMomentum = genJetMomentum; } } if(deltaR < 0.3) { pt = genJetMomentum.Pt(); eta = TMath::Abs(genJetMomentum.Eta()); for (bin = 0; bin < Nbins; bin++) { if(pt > histos->at(bin).ptmin && pt < histos->at(bin).ptmax && eta > 0.0 && eta < 2.5) { histos->at(bin).cenResolHist->Fill((bestGenJetMomentum.E()-jetMomentum.E())/bestGenJetMomentum.E()); } } } } } } std::pair GausFit(TH1* hist) { TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1", "gaus", hist->GetMean()-2*hist->GetRMS(), hist->GetMean()+2*hist->GetRMS()); hist->Fit("f1","RQ"); Double_t sig = f1->GetParameter(2); Double_t sigErr = f1->GetParError(2); delete f1; return make_pair (sig, sigErr); //return make_pair (hist->GetRMS(), hist->GetRMSError()); } TGraphErrors EresGraph(std::vector *histos, bool central) { Int_t bin; Int_t count = 0; TGraphErrors gr = TGraphErrors(Nbins/2); Double_t sig = 0; Double_t sigErr = 0; for (bin = 0; bin < Nbins; bin++) { if (central == true && histos->at(bin).cenResolHist->GetEntries() > 100) { std::cout << " pt : " << (histos->at(bin).ptmin+histos->at(bin).ptmax)/2.0; std::cout << " mean : " << histos->at(bin).cenResolHist->GetMean() << " RMS : " << histos->at(bin).cenResolHist->GetRMS(); std::cout << " entries : " << histos->at(bin).cenResolHist->GetEntries() << std::endl; std::pair sigvalues = GausFit(histos->at(bin).cenResolHist); gr.SetPoint(count,(histos->at(bin).ptmin+histos->at(bin).ptmax)/2.0, sigvalues.first); gr.SetPointError(count,0, sigvalues.second); count++; } /* else if (histos->at(bin).cenResolHist->GetEntries() > 10) { histos->at(bin).fwdResolHist->Fit("gaus","","", -2*histos->at(bin).fwdResolHist->GetRMS(), 2*histos->at(bin).fwdResolHist->GetRMS()); TF1 *f = histos->at(bin).fwdResolHist->GetFunction("gaus"); Double_t sig = f->GetParameter(2); Double_t sigErr = f->GetParError(2); gr.SetPoint(bin,(histos->at(bin).ptmin+histos->at(bin).ptmax)/2.0, sig); gr.SetPointError(bin,0, sigErr); } */ } return gr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // type 1 : object, 2 : track, 3 : tower void addGraph(TMultiGraph *mg, TGraphErrors *gr, TLegend *leg, int type) { gr->SetLineWidth(3); switch ( type ) { case 1: gr->SetLineColor(objColor); gr->SetLineStyle(objStyle); std::cout << "Adding " << gr->GetName() << std::endl; mg->Add(gr); leg->AddEntry(gr,"Reco","l"); break; case 2: gr->SetLineColor(trackColor); gr->SetLineStyle(trackStyle); mg->Add(gr); leg->AddEntry(gr,"Track","l"); break; case 3: gr->SetLineColor(towerColor); gr->SetLineStyle(towerStyle); mg->Add(gr); leg->AddEntry(gr,"Tower","l"); break; default: std::cout << "wrong type, possibles choices are Object, Track and Tower" << std::endl; break; } } void addHist(TH1D *h, TLegend *leg, int type) { h->SetLineWidth(3); switch ( type ) { case 1: h->SetLineColor(objColor); h->SetLineStyle(objStyle); leg->AddEntry(h,"Reco","l"); break; case 2: h->SetLineColor(trackColor); h->SetLineStyle(trackStyle); leg->AddEntry(h,"Track","l"); break; case 3: h->SetLineColor(towerColor); h->SetLineStyle(towerStyle); leg->AddEntry(h,"Tower","l"); break; default: std::cout << "wrong type, possibles choices are Object, Track and Tower" << std::endl; break; } } void DrawAxis(TMultiGraph *mg, TLegend *leg, double max) { mg->SetMinimum(0.); mg->SetMaximum(max); mg->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(ptrangemin,ptrangemax); mg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma (E) / E_{gen}"); mg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("E_{gen}"); mg->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07); mg->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07); mg->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.07); mg->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.07); leg->SetLineStyle(0); leg->SetFillStyle(0); leg->SetLineWidth(0); leg->SetLineColor(0); gStyle->SetOptTitle(0); gPad->SetLogx(); gPad->SetBottomMargin(0.2); gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.2); gPad->Modified(); gPad->Update(); } void DrawAxis(TH1D *h, TLegend *leg, int type) { h->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,1.2); if (type == 0) h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("E_{gen}"); else h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta"); h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#epsilon"); h->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07); h->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07); h->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.07); h->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.07); leg->SetLineStyle(0); leg->SetFillStyle(0); leg->SetLineWidth(0); leg->SetLineColor(0); gStyle->SetOptTitle(0); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gPad->SetBottomMargin(0.2); gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.2); gPad->Modified(); gPad->Update(); } void Validation(const char *inputFile, const char *outputFile) { //gSystem->Load("libDelphes"); std::cout << "input file : " << inputFile << " " << " , output file : " << outputFile << std::endl; TChain *chain = new TChain("Delphes"); chain->Add(inputFile); ExRootTreeReader *treeReader = new ExRootTreeReader(chain); TClonesArray *branchParticle = treeReader->UseBranch("Particle"); TClonesArray *branchElectron = treeReader->UseBranch("Electron"); TClonesArray *branchMuon = treeReader->UseBranch("Muon"); TClonesArray *branchPhoton = treeReader->UseBranch("Photon"); TClonesArray *branchTrack = treeReader->UseBranch("Track"); TClonesArray *branchTower = treeReader->UseBranch("Tower"); TClonesArray *branchGenJet = treeReader->UseBranch("GenJet"); TClonesArray *branchPFJet = treeReader->UseBranch("Jet"); TClonesArray *branchCaloJet = treeReader->UseBranch("CaloJet"); /////////////// // Electrons // /////////////// // Reconstruction efficiency TString elecs = "Electron"; int elID = 11; std::pair histos_el = GetEff(branchElectron, branchParticle, "Electron", elID, treeReader); // tracking reconstruction efficiency std::pair histos_eltrack = GetEff(branchTrack, branchParticle, "electronTrack", elID, treeReader); // Tower reconstruction efficiency std::pair histos_eltower = GetEff(branchTower, branchParticle, "electronTower", elID, treeReader); // Electron Energy Resolution std::vector plots_el; HistogramsCollection(&plots_el, TMath::Log10(ptrangemin), TMath::Log10(ptrangemax), "electrons"); GetEres( &plots_el, branchElectron, branchParticle, elID, treeReader); TGraphErrors gr_el = EresGraph(&plots_el, true); gr_el.SetName("Electron"); // Electron Track Energy Resolution std::vector plots_eltrack; HistogramsCollection(&plots_eltrack, TMath::Log10(ptrangemin), TMath::Log10(ptrangemax), "electronsTracks"); GetEres( &plots_eltrack, branchTrack, branchParticle, elID, treeReader); TGraphErrors gr_eltrack = EresGraph(&plots_eltrack, true); gr_eltrack.SetName("ElectronTracks"); // Electron Tower Energy Resolution std::vector plots_eltower; HistogramsCollection(&plots_eltower, TMath::Log10(ptrangemin), TMath::Log10(ptrangemax), "electronsTower"); GetEres( &plots_eltower, branchTower, branchParticle, elID, treeReader); TGraphErrors gr_eltower = EresGraph(&plots_eltower, true); gr_eltower.SetName("ElectronTower"); // Canvases TString elEff = "electronEff"; TCanvas *C_el1 = new TCanvas(elEff,elEff, 1000, 500); C_el1->Divide(2); C_el1->cd(1); TLegend *leg_el1 = new TLegend(effLegXmin,effLegYmin,effLegXmax,effLegYmax); gPad->SetLogx(); histos_eltrack.first->Draw(); addHist(histos_eltrack.first, leg_el1, 2); histos_eltower.first->Draw("same"); addHist(histos_eltower.first, leg_el1, 3); histos_el.first->Draw("same"); addHist(histos_el.first, leg_el1, 1); DrawAxis(histos_eltrack.first, leg_el1, 0); leg_el1->Draw(); C_el1->cd(2); TLegend *leg_el2 = new TLegend(effLegXmin,effLegYmin,effLegXmax,effLegYmax); histos_eltrack.second->Draw(); addHist(histos_eltrack.second, leg_el2, 2); histos_eltower.second->Draw("same"); addHist(histos_eltower.second, leg_el2, 3); histos_el.second->Draw("same"); addHist(histos_el.second, leg_el2, 1); DrawAxis(histos_eltrack.second, leg_el2, 1); delete(leg_el2); C_el1->cd(0); TString elRes = "electronERes"; TCanvas *C_el2 = new TCanvas(elRes,elRes, 1000, 500); TMultiGraph *mg_el = new TMultiGraph(elRes,elRes); TLegend *leg_el = new TLegend(0.52,0.7,0.9,0.9); addGraph(mg_el, &gr_eltower, leg_el, 3); addGraph(mg_el, &gr_eltrack, leg_el, 2); addGraph(mg_el, &gr_el, leg_el, 1); mg_el->Draw("ACX"); leg_el->Draw(); DrawAxis(mg_el, leg_el, 0.1); C_el1->SaveAs(elEff+".eps"); C_el2->SaveAs(elRes+".eps"); gDirectory->cd(0); /* /////////// // Muons // /////////// // Reconstruction efficiency int muID = 13; std::pair histos_mu = GetEff(branchMuon, branchParticle,"Muon", muID, treeReader); // muon tracking reconstruction efficiency std::pair histos_mutrack = GetEff(branchTrack, branchParticle, "muonTrack", muID, treeReader); // Muon Energy Resolution std::vector plots_mu; HistogramsCollection(&plots_mu, TMath::Log10(ptrangemin), TMath::Log10(ptrangemax), "muons"); GetEres( &plots_mu, branchMuon, branchParticle, muID, treeReader); TGraphErrors gr_mu = EresGraph(&plots_mu, true); gr_mu.SetName("Muon"); // Muon Track Energy Resolution std::vector plots_mutrack; HistogramsCollection(&plots_mutrack, TMath::Log10(ptrangemin), TMath::Log10(ptrangemax), "muonsTracks"); GetEres( &plots_mutrack, branchTrack, branchParticle, muID, treeReader); TGraphErrors gr_mutrack = EresGraph(&plots_mutrack, true); gr_eltrack.SetName("MuonTracks"); // Canvas TString muEff = "muonEff"; TCanvas *C_mu1 = new TCanvas(muEff,muEff, 1000, 500); C_mu1->Divide(2); C_mu1->cd(1); TLegend *leg_mu1 = new TLegend(effLegXmin,effLegYmin,effLegXmax,effLegYmax); gPad->SetLogx(); histos_mutrack.first->Draw(); addHist(histos_mutrack.first, leg_mu1, 2); histos_mu.first->Draw("same"); addHist(histos_mu.first, leg_mu1, 1); DrawAxis(histos_mutrack.first, leg_mu1, 0); leg_mu1->Draw(); C_mu1->cd(2); TLegend *leg_mu2 = new TLegend(effLegXmin,effLegYmin,effLegXmax,effLegYmax); histos_mutrack.second->Draw(); addHist(histos_mutrack.second, leg_mu2, 2); histos_mu.second->Draw("same"); addHist(histos_mu.second, leg_mu2, 1); DrawAxis(histos_mutrack.second, leg_mu2, 1); TString muRes = "muonERes"; TCanvas *C_mu = new TCanvas(muRes,muRes, 1000, 500); TMultiGraph *mg_mu = new TMultiGraph(muRes,muRes); TLegend *leg_mu = new TLegend(0.52,0.7,0.9,0.9); addGraph(mg_mu, &gr_mutrack, leg_mu, 2); addGraph(mg_mu, &gr_mu, leg_mu, 1); mg_mu->Draw("ACX"); leg_mu->Draw(); DrawAxis(mg_mu, leg_mu, 0.3); C_mu1->SaveAs(muEff+".eps"); C_mu->SaveAs(muRes+".eps"); ///////////// // Photons // ///////////// // Reconstruction efficiency int phID = 22; std::pair histos_ph = GetEff(branchPhoton, branchParticle, "Photon", phID, treeReader); std::pair histos_phtower = GetEff(branchTower, branchParticle, "Photon", phID, treeReader); // Photon Energy Resolution std::vector plots_ph; HistogramsCollection(&plots_ph, TMath::Log10(ptrangemin), TMath::Log10(ptrangemax), "photons"); GetEres( &plots_ph, branchPhoton, branchParticle, phID, treeReader); TGraphErrors gr_ph = EresGraph(&plots_ph, true); gr_ph.SetName("Photon"); // Photon Tower Energy Resolution std::vector plots_phtower; HistogramsCollection(&plots_phtower, TMath::Log10(ptrangemin), TMath::Log10(ptrangemax), "photonsTower"); GetEres( &plots_phtower, branchTower, branchParticle, phID, treeReader); TGraphErrors gr_phtower = EresGraph(&plots_phtower, true); gr_phtower.SetName("PhotonTower"); // Canvas TString phEff = "photonEff"; TCanvas *C_ph1 = new TCanvas(phEff,phEff, 1000, 500); C_ph1->Divide(2); C_ph1->cd(1); TLegend *leg_ph1 = new TLegend(effLegXmin,effLegYmin,effLegXmax,effLegYmax); gPad->SetLogx(); histos_phtower.first->Draw(); addHist(histos_phtower.first, leg_ph1, 3); histos_ph.first->Draw("same"); addHist(histos_ph.first, leg_ph1, 1); DrawAxis(histos_phtower.first, leg_ph1, 0); leg_ph1->Draw(); C_ph1->cd(2); TLegend *leg_ph2 = new TLegend(effLegXmin,effLegYmin,effLegXmax,effLegYmax); histos_phtower.second->Draw("same"); addHist(histos_phtower.second, leg_ph2, 3); histos_ph.second->Draw("same"); addHist(histos_ph.second, leg_ph2, 1); DrawAxis(histos_phtower.second, leg_ph2, 1); C_ph1->SaveAs(phEff+".eps"); TString phRes = "phERes"; TCanvas *C_ph = new TCanvas(phRes,phRes, 1000, 500); TMultiGraph *mg_ph = new TMultiGraph(phRes,phRes); TLegend *leg_ph = new TLegend(0.52,0.7,0.9,0.9); addGraph(mg_ph, &gr_phtower, leg_ph, 3); addGraph(mg_ph, &gr_ph, leg_ph, 1); mg_ph->Draw("ACX"); leg_ph->Draw(); DrawAxis(mg_ph, leg_ph, 0.3); C_ph->SaveAs(phRes+".eps"); */ ////////// // Jets // ////////// // PFJets Energy Resolution std::vector plots_pfjets; HistogramsCollection(&plots_pfjets, TMath::Log10(ptrangemin), TMath::Log10(ptrangemax), "PFJet"); GetJetsEres( &plots_pfjets, branchPFJet, branchGenJet, treeReader); TGraphErrors gr_pfjets = EresGraph(&plots_pfjets, true); gr_pfjets.SetName("pfJet"); // PFJets Energy Resolution std::vector plots_calojets; HistogramsCollection(&plots_calojets, TMath::Log10(ptrangemin), TMath::Log10(ptrangemax), "CaloJet"); GetJetsEres( &plots_calojets, branchCaloJet, branchGenJet, treeReader); TGraphErrors gr_calojets = EresGraph(&plots_calojets, true); gr_calojets.SetName("caloJet"); TString jetRes = "jetERes"; TCanvas *C_jet = new TCanvas(jetRes,jetRes, 1000, 500); TMultiGraph *mg_jet = new TMultiGraph(jetRes,jetRes); TLegend *leg_jet = new TLegend(0.52,0.7,0.9,0.9); addGraph(mg_jet, &gr_calojets, leg_jet, 3); addGraph(mg_jet, &gr_pfjets, leg_jet, 1); mg_jet->Draw("ACX"); leg_jet->Draw(); DrawAxis(mg_jet, leg_jet, 0.25); C_jet->SaveAs(jetRes+".eps"); /* // CaloJets Energy Resolution std::vector plots_calojets; HistogramsCollection(&plots_calojets, TMath::Log10(ptrangemin), TMath::Log10(ptrangemax), "caloJet"); GetJetsEres( &plots_calojets, branchCaloJet, branchGenJet, treeReader); TGraphErrors gr_calojets = EresGraph(&plots_calojets, true); gr_calojets.SetName("caloJet"); */ TFile *fout = new TFile(outputFile,"recreate"); for (int bin = 0; bin < Nbins; bin++) { plots_pfjets.at(bin).cenResolHist->Write(); plots_calojets.at(bin).cenResolHist->Write(); plots_el.at(bin).cenResolHist->Write(); plots_eltrack.at(bin).cenResolHist->Write(); plots_eltower.at(bin).cenResolHist->Write(); } /* // gr.Write(); histos_el.first->Write(); //histos_el.second->Write(); histos_eltrack.first->Write(); //histos_eltrack.second->Write(); histos_eltower.first->Write(); histos_mu.first->Write(); histos_mu.second->Write(); histos_mutrack.first->Write(); histos_mutrack.second->Write(); histos_ph.first->Write(); histos_ph.second->Write(); //gr_el.Write(); //gr_eltrack.Write(); //gr_eltower.Write(); */ C_el1->Write(); C_el2->Write(); C_jet->Write(); /* C_mu->Write(); C_ph->Write(); */ gr_pfjets.Write(); gr_calojets.Write(); fout->Write(); cout << "** Exiting..." << endl; //delete plots; //delete result; delete treeReader; delete chain; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------