/* This macro shows how to access the particle-level reference for reconstructed objects. It is also shown how to loop over the jet constituents. root -l examples/Example3.C'("delphes_output.root")' */ #ifdef __CLING__ R__LOAD_LIBRARY(libDelphes) #include "classes/DelphesClasses.h" #include "external/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootTreeReader.h" #include "external/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootResult.h" #else class ExRootTreeReader; class ExRootResult; #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct TestPlots { TH1 *fElectronDeltaPT; TH1 *fElectronDeltaEta; TH1 *fPhotonDeltaPT; TH1 *fPhotonDeltaEta; TH1 *fPhotonDeltaE; TH1 *fMuonDeltaPT; TH1 *fMuonDeltaEta; TH1 *fJetDeltaPT; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void BookHistograms(ExRootResult *result, TestPlots *plots) { TLegend *legend; TPaveText *comment; plots->fElectronDeltaPT = result->AddHist1D( "electron_delta_pt", "(p_{T}^{particle} - p_{T}^{electron})/p_{T}^{particle}", "(p_{T}^{particle} - p_{T}^{electron})/p_{T}^{particle}", "number of electrons", 100, -0.1, 0.1); plots->fElectronDeltaEta = result->AddHist1D( "electron_delta_eta", "(#eta^{particle} - #eta^{electron})/#eta^{particle}", "(#eta^{particle} - #eta^{electron})/#eta^{particle}", "number of electrons", 100, -0.1, 0.1); plots->fPhotonDeltaPT = result->AddHist1D( "photon_delta_pt", "(p_{T}^{particle} - p_{T}^{photon})/p_{T}^{particle}", "(p_{T}^{particle} - p_{T}^{photon})/p_{T}^{particle}", "number of photons", 100, -0.1, 0.1); plots->fPhotonDeltaEta = result->AddHist1D( "photon_delta_eta", "(#eta^{particle} - #eta^{photon})/#eta^{particle}", "(#eta^{particle} - #eta^{photon})/#eta^{particle}", "number of photons", 100, -0.1, 0.1); plots->fPhotonDeltaE = result->AddHist1D( "photon_delta_energy", "(E^{particle} - E^{photon})/E^{particle}", "(E^{particle} - E^{photon})/E^{particle}", "number of photons", 100, -0.1, 0.1); plots->fMuonDeltaPT = result->AddHist1D( "muon_delta_pt", "(p_{T}^{particle} - p_{T}^{muon})/p_{T}^{particle}", "(p_{T}^{particle} - p_{T}^{muon})/p_{T}^{particle}", "number of muons", 100, -0.1, 0.1); plots->fMuonDeltaEta = result->AddHist1D( "muon_delta_eta", "(#eta^{particle} - #eta^{muon})/#eta^{particle}", "(#eta^{particle} - #eta^{muon})/#eta^{particle}", "number of muons", 100, -0.1, 0.1); plots->fJetDeltaPT = result->AddHist1D( "jet_delta_pt", "(p_{T}^{jet} - p_{T}^{constituents})/p_{T}^{jet}", "(p_{T}^{jet} - p_{T}^{constituents})/p_{T}^{jet}", "number of jets", 100, -1.0e-1, 1.0e-1); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void AnalyseEvents(ExRootTreeReader *treeReader, TestPlots *plots) { TClonesArray *branchParticle = treeReader->UseBranch("Particle"); TClonesArray *branchElectron = treeReader->UseBranch("Electron"); TClonesArray *branchPhoton = treeReader->UseBranch("Photon"); TClonesArray *branchMuon = treeReader->UseBranch("Muon"); TClonesArray *branchEFlowTrack = treeReader->UseBranch("EFlowTrack"); TClonesArray *branchEFlowPhoton = treeReader->UseBranch("EFlowPhoton"); TClonesArray *branchEFlowNeutralHadron = treeReader->UseBranch("EFlowNeutralHadron"); TClonesArray *branchJet = treeReader->UseBranch("Jet"); Long64_t allEntries = treeReader->GetEntries(); cout << "** Chain contains " << allEntries << " events" << endl; GenParticle *particle; Electron *electron; Photon *photon; Muon *muon; Track *track; Tower *tower; Jet *jet; TObject *object; TLorentzVector momentum; Float_t Eem, Ehad; Bool_t skip; Long64_t entry; Int_t i, j, pdgCode; // Loop over all events for(entry = 0; entry < allEntries; ++entry) { // Load selected branches with data from specified event treeReader->ReadEntry(entry); // Loop over all electrons in event for(i = 0; i < branchElectron->GetEntriesFast(); ++i) { electron = (Electron*) branchElectron->At(i); particle = (GenParticle*) electron->Particle.GetObject(); plots->fElectronDeltaPT->Fill((particle->PT - electron->PT)/particle->PT); plots->fElectronDeltaEta->Fill((particle->Eta - electron->Eta)/particle->Eta); } // Loop over all photons in event for(i = 0; i < branchPhoton->GetEntriesFast(); ++i) { photon = (Photon*) branchPhoton->At(i); // skip photons with references to multiple particles if(photon->Particles.GetEntriesFast() != 1) continue; particle = (GenParticle*) photon->Particles.At(0); if(object->IsA() == GenParticle::Class()) { plots->fPhotonDeltaPT->Fill((particle->PT - photon->PT)/particle->PT); plots->fPhotonDeltaEta->Fill((particle->Eta - photon->Eta)/particle->Eta); plots->fPhotonDeltaE->Fill((particle->E - photon->E)/particle->E); } } // Loop over all muons in event for(i = 0; i < branchMuon->GetEntriesFast(); ++i) { muon = (Muon*) branchMuon->At(i); particle = (GenParticle*) muon->Particle.GetObject(); plots->fMuonDeltaPT->Fill((particle->PT - muon->PT)/particle->PT); plots->fMuonDeltaEta->Fill((particle->Eta - muon->Eta)/particle->Eta); } // cout << "-- New event -- " << endl; // Loop over all jets in event for(i = 0; i < branchJet->GetEntriesFast(); ++i) { jet = (Jet*) branchJet->At(i); momentum.SetPxPyPzE(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // cout<<"Looping over jet constituents. Jet pt: "<PT<<", eta: "<Eta<<", phi: "<Phi<Constituents.GetEntriesFast(); ++j) { object = jet->Constituents.At(j); // Check if the constituent is accessible if(object == 0) continue; if(object->IsA() == GenParticle::Class()) { particle = (GenParticle*) object; // cout << " GenPart pt: " << particle->PT << ", eta: " << particle->Eta << ", phi: " << particle->Phi << endl; momentum += particle->P4(); } else if(object->IsA() == Track::Class()) { track = (Track*) object; // cout << " Track pt: " << track->PT << ", eta: " << track->Eta << ", phi: " << track->Phi << endl; momentum += track->P4(); } else if(object->IsA() == Tower::Class()) { tower = (Tower*) object; // cout << " Tower pt: " << tower->ET << ", eta: " << tower->Eta << ", phi: " << tower->Phi << endl; momentum += tower->P4(); } } plots->fJetDeltaPT->Fill((jet->PT - momentum.Pt())/jet->PT); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void PrintHistograms(ExRootResult *result, TestPlots *plots) { result->Print("png"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Example3(const char *inputFile) { gSystem->Load("libDelphes"); TChain *chain = new TChain("Delphes"); chain->Add(inputFile); ExRootTreeReader *treeReader = new ExRootTreeReader(chain); ExRootResult *result = new ExRootResult(); TestPlots *plots = new TestPlots; BookHistograms(result, plots); AnalyseEvents(treeReader, plots); PrintHistograms(result, plots); result->Write("results.root"); cout << "** Exiting..." << endl; delete plots; delete result; delete treeReader; delete chain; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------