#set MaxEvents 1000 #set RandomSeed 123 ####################################### # Order of execution of various modules ####################################### set ExecutionPath { PhotonConversions ParticlePropagator ChargedHadronMomentumSmearing ElectronEnergySmearing MuonMomentumSmearing TrackMerger ImpactParameterSmearing IdentificationMap ECal HCal TreeWriter } ##################### # Photon Conversions ##################### module PhotonConversions PhotonConversions { set InputArray Delphes/stableParticles set OutputArray stableParticles # radius of the magnetic field coverage, in m set Radius 3.31 set HalfLength 12.0 set EtaMin 2.0 set EtaMax 5.0 # material budget map: (uniform for now) # distribution of the detector mass ( density / X0), can be thought as # conversion rate per meter function of r,phi,z # unit: m-1 set Step 0.05 set ConversionMap { (abs(z) > 0.0 && abs(z) < 12.0 ) * (0.07) + (abs(z) > 0.0) * (0.00) + (abs(z) < 0.0) * (0.00) } } ################################# # Propagate particles in cylinder ################################# module ParticlePropagator ParticlePropagator { set InputArray PhotonConversions/stableParticles set OutputArray stableParticles set ChargedHadronOutputArray chargedHadrons set ElectronOutputArray electrons set MuonOutputArray muons # radius of the magnetic field coverage, in m set Radius 3.31 # half-length of the magnetic field coverage, in m set HalfLength 12.0 # magnetic field set Bz 1.1 # Need to veto anything with theta > 0.269 rad -> eta = 2 # theta < 0.0135 rad -> eta = 5 # tracker and calos are at approx 0.269 rad, R = 12*tan(0.269) } ######################################## # Momentum resolution for charged tracks ######################################## module MomentumSmearing ChargedHadronMomentumSmearing { set InputArray ParticlePropagator/chargedHadrons set OutputArray chargedHadrons # set ResolutionFormula {resolution formula as a function of eta and pt} # resolution formula for charged hadrons set ResolutionFormula {(eta > 2.0 && eta <= 5.0) * (pt > 0.5) * (0.005)} } ################################# # Energy resolution for electrons ################################# module EnergySmearing ElectronEnergySmearing { set InputArray ParticlePropagator/electrons set OutputArray electrons # set ResolutionFormula {resolution formula as a function of eta and energy} # resolution formula for electrons set ResolutionFormula { (eta > 2.0 && eta <= 5.0) * (energy > 0.1 && energy <= 8.0) * (energy*0.05) + (eta > 2.0 && eta <= 5.0) * (energy > 8.0) * sqrt(energy^2*0.015^2 + energy*0.10^2)} } ############################### # Momentum resolution for muons ############################### module MomentumSmearing MuonMomentumSmearing { set InputArray ParticlePropagator/muons set OutputArray muons # resolution formula for muons set ResolutionFormula {(eta > 2.0 && eta <= 5.0) * (pt > 0.5)* (0.005)} } ############## # Track merger ############## module Merger TrackMerger { # add InputArray InputArray add InputArray ChargedHadronMomentumSmearing/chargedHadrons add InputArray ElectronEnergySmearing/electrons add InputArray MuonMomentumSmearing/muons set OutputArray tracks } ################################ # Track impact parameter smearing ################################ module ImpactParameterSmearing ImpactParameterSmearing { set InputArray TrackMerger/tracks set OutputArray tracks # absolute impact parameter smearing formula (in mm) as a function of pt and eta set ResolutionFormula {0.0116 + 0.0234/pt} } ###### ref. JINST 9 C01065 ############# #################################### # Charged hadron PID #################################### module IdentificationMap IdentificationMap { set InputArray ImpactParameterSmearing/tracks set OutputArray tracks # {PID in} {PID out} {formula} # make sure "PID in" and "PID out" have the same charge (e.g {-13} {211} or {-321} {211}) # {211} {-13} is equivalent to {-211} {13} (and needs to be written once only...) # --- pions --- add EfficiencyFormula {211} {211} { (eta <= 2.0) * (0.00) + (eta > 2.0 && eta <= 5.0) * (pt < 0.8) * (0.00) + (eta > 2.0 && eta <= 5.0) * (pt >= 0.8)* (0.95) + (eta > 5.0) * (0.00)} add EfficiencyFormula {211} {-13} { (eta <= 2.0) * (0.00) + (eta > 2.0 && eta <= 5.0) * (pt < 0.8) * (0.00) + (eta > 2.0 && eta <= 5.0) * (pt >= 0.8)* (0.005 + 0.0663*exp(-0.13*pt*cosh(eta))) + (eta > 5.0) * (0.00)} # --- kaons --- add EfficiencyFormula {321} {321} { (eta <= 2.0) * (0.00) + (eta > 2.0 && eta <= 5.0) * (pt < 0.8) * (0.00) + (eta > 2.0 && eta <= 5.0) * (pt >= 0.8)* (0.95) + (eta > 5.0) * (0.00)} add EfficiencyFormula {321} {-13} { (eta <= 2.0) * (0.00) + (eta > 2.0 && eta <= 5.0) * (pt < 0.8) * (0.00) + (eta > 2.0 && eta <= 5.0) * (pt >= 0.8)* (0.005 + 0.086*exp(-0.11*pt*cosh(eta))) + (eta > 5.0) * (0.00)} # --- protons --- add EfficiencyFormula {2212} {2212} { (eta <= 2.0) * (0.00) + (eta > 2.0 && eta <= 5.0) * (pt < 0.8) * (0.00) + (eta > 2.0 && eta <= 5.0) * (pt >= 0.8)* (0.95) + (eta > 5.0) * (0.00)} add EfficiencyFormula {2212} {-13} { (eta <= 2.0) * (0.00) + (eta > 2.0 && eta <= 5.0) * (pt < 0.8) * (0.00) + (eta > 2.0 && eta <= 5.0) * (pt >= 0.8)* (0.002) + (eta > 5.0) * (0.00)} # --- muons --- add EfficiencyFormula {-13} {-13} { (eta <= 2.0) * (0.00) + (eta > 2.0 && eta <= 5.0) * (pt < 0.8)* (0.00) + (eta > 2.0 && eta <= 5.0) * (pt >= 0.8)* (0.97) + (eta > 5.0) * (0.00)} # --- electrons --- add EfficiencyFormula {-11} {-11} { (eta <= 2.0) * (0.00) + (eta > 2.0 && eta <= 5.0) * (pt < 0.6)* (0.97) + (eta > 2.0 && eta <= 5.0) * (pt >= 0.6)* (0.97) + (eta > 5.0) * (0.00)} # efficiency for other charged particles (should be always {0} {0} {formula}) add EfficiencyFormula {0} {0} { (eta <= 2.0) * (0.00) + (eta > 2.0 && eta <= 5.0) * (pt < 0.8) * (0.00) + (eta > 2.0 && eta <= 5.0) * (pt > 0.8) * (0.95) + (eta > 5.0) * (0.00)} } ###### ref. JINST 8 P10020 ############# ############# # ECAL ############# module SimpleCalorimeter ECal { set ParticleInputArray ParticlePropagator/stableParticles set TrackInputArray IdentificationMap/tracks set TowerOutputArray ecalTowers set EFlowTrackOutputArray eflowTracks set EFlowTowerOutputArray eflowPhotons set IsEcal true set EnergyMin 0.0 set EnergySignificanceMin 0.0 set SmearTowerCenter true set pi [expr {acos(-1)}] # lists of the edges of each tower in eta and phi # each list starts with the lower edge of the first tower # the list ends with the higher edged of the last tower # 1 degree towers set PhiBins {} for {set i -180} {$i <= 180} {incr i} { add PhiBins [expr {$i * $pi/180.0}] } # 0.02 unit in eta from eta = 3.2 to eta = 5.0 for {set i 1} {$i <= 90} {incr i} { set eta [expr {3.2 + $i * 0.02}] add EtaPhiBins $eta $PhiBins } # 1.25 degree towers set PhiBins {} for {set i -135} {$i <= 135} {incr i} { add PhiBins [expr {$i * $pi/135.0}] } # 0.025 unit in eta from eta = 2.6 to eta = 3.2 for {set i 1} {$i <= 24} {incr i} { set eta [expr {2.6 + $i * 0.025}] add EtaPhiBins $eta $PhiBins } # 1.25 degree towers set PhiBins {} for {set i -100} {$i <= 100} {incr i} { add PhiBins [expr {$i * $pi/100.0}] } # 0.04 unit in eta from eta = 2.0 to eta = 2.6 for {set i 0} {$i <= 24} {incr i} { set eta [expr {2.0 + $i * 0.04}] add EtaPhiBins $eta $PhiBins } add EnergyFraction {0} {0.0} # energy fractions for e, gamma and pi0 add EnergyFraction {11} {1.0} add EnergyFraction {22} {1.0} add EnergyFraction {111} {1.0} # energy fractions for muon, neutrinos and neutralinos add EnergyFraction {12} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {13} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {14} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {16} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {1000022} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {1000023} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {1000025} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {1000035} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {1000045} {0.0} # energy fractions for K0short and Lambda add EnergyFraction {310} {0.3} add EnergyFraction {3122} {0.3} set ResolutionFormula {(eta <= 5.0 && eta > 2.0) * sqrt(energy^2*0.015^2 + energy*0.10^2)} } ############# # HCAL ############# module SimpleCalorimeter HCal { set ParticleInputArray ParticlePropagator/stableParticles set TrackInputArray ECal/eflowTracks set TowerOutputArray hcalTowers set EFlowTrackOutputArray eflowTracks set EFlowTowerOutputArray eflowNeutralHadrons set IsEcal false set EnergyMin 0.0 set EnergySignificanceMin 0.0 set SmearTowerCenter true set pi [expr {acos(-1)}] # lists of the edges of each tower in eta and phi # each list starts with the lower edge of the first tower # the list ends with the higher edged of the last tower # 1 degree towers set PhiBins {} for {set i -16} {$i <= 16} {incr i} { add PhiBins [expr {$i * $pi/16.0}] } # 0.20 unit in eta from eta = 2.6 to eta = 5.0 for {set i 1} {$i <= 12} {incr i} { set eta [expr {2.6 + $i * 0.2}] add EtaPhiBins $eta $PhiBins } # 1 degree towers set PhiBins {} for {set i -32} {$i <= 32} {incr i} { add PhiBins [expr {$i * $pi/32.0}] } # 0.1 unit in eta from eta = 2 to eta = 2.6 for {set i 0} {$i <= 6} {incr i} { set eta [expr {2.0 + $i * 0.1}] add EtaPhiBins $eta $PhiBins } # default energy fractions {abs(PDG code)} {Fecal Fhcal} add EnergyFraction {0} {1.0} # energy fractions for e, gamma and pi0 add EnergyFraction {11} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {22} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {111} {0.0} # energy fractions for muon, neutrinos and neutralinos add EnergyFraction {12} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {13} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {14} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {16} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {1000022} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {1000023} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {1000025} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {1000035} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {1000045} {0.0} # energy fractions for K0short and Lambda add EnergyFraction {310} {0.7} add EnergyFraction {3122} {0.7} set ResolutionFormula { (eta <= 5.0 && eta > 2.0) * sqrt(energy^2*0.05^2 + energy*0.80^2)} } ################## # ROOT tree writer ################## # tracks, towers and eflow objects are not stored by default in the output. # if needed (for jet constituent or other studies), uncomment the relevant # "add Branch ..." lines. module TreeWriter TreeWriter { # add Branch InputArray BranchName BranchClass add Branch Delphes/allParticles Particle GenParticle add Branch IdentificationMap/tracks Track Track add Branch HCal/eflowNeutralHadrons NeutralHadron Tower add Branch ECal/eflowPhotons Photon Photon }