####################################### # CLICdet model # based on CLICdp-Note-2017-001 # Ulrike Schnoor ulrike.schnoor@cern.ch # # Jet finding with Valencia algorithm: # use exclusive clustering with njets # according to final state # ####################################### # Order of execution of various modules ####################################### set ExecutionPath { ParticlePropagator ChargedHadronTrackingEfficiency ElectronTrackingEfficiency MuonTrackingEfficiency ChargedHadronMomentumSmearing ElectronMomentumSmearing MuonMomentumSmearing TrackMerger ECal HCal Calorimeter EFlowMerger PhotonEfficiency PhotonIsolation ElectronFilter ElectronEfficiency ElectronIsolation ChargedHadronFilter MuonEfficiency MuonIsolation EFlowFilter NeutrinoFilter GenJetFinder FastJetFinderKt FastJetFinderVLC_R05_N2 FastJetFinderVLC_R05_N3 FastJetFinderVLC_R05_N4 FastJetFinderVLC_R05_N5 FastJetFinderVLC_R05_N6 FastJetFinderVLC_R07_N2 FastJetFinderVLC_R07_N3 FastJetFinderVLC_R07_N4 FastJetFinderVLC_R07_N5 FastJetFinderVLC_R07_N6 FastJetFinderVLC_R10_N2 FastJetFinderVLC_R10_N3 FastJetFinderVLC_R10_N4 FastJetFinderVLC_R10_N5 FastJetFinderVLC_R10_N6 FastJetFinderVLC_R12_N2 FastJetFinderVLC_R12_N3 FastJetFinderVLC_R12_N4 FastJetFinderVLC_R12_N5 FastJetFinderVLC_R12_N6 FastJetFinderVLC_R15_N2 FastJetFinderVLC_R15_N3 FastJetFinderVLC_R15_N4 FastJetFinderVLC_R15_N5 FastJetFinderVLC_R15_N6 FastJetFinderVLC_R05_inclusive FastJetFinderVLC_R07_inclusive FastJetFinderVLC_R10_inclusive FastJetFinderVLC_R12_inclusive FastJetFinderVLC_R15_inclusive MissingET GenMissingET JetFlavorAssociation_R05N2 JetFlavorAssociation_R05N3 JetFlavorAssociation_R05N4 JetFlavorAssociation_R05N5 JetFlavorAssociation_R05N6 JetFlavorAssociation_R07N2 JetFlavorAssociation_R07N3 JetFlavorAssociation_R07N4 JetFlavorAssociation_R07N5 JetFlavorAssociation_R07N6 JetFlavorAssociation_R10N2 JetFlavorAssociation_R10N3 JetFlavorAssociation_R10N4 JetFlavorAssociation_R10N5 JetFlavorAssociation_R10N6 JetFlavorAssociation_R12N2 JetFlavorAssociation_R12N3 JetFlavorAssociation_R12N4 JetFlavorAssociation_R12N5 JetFlavorAssociation_R12N6 JetFlavorAssociation_R15N2 JetFlavorAssociation_R15N3 JetFlavorAssociation_R15N4 JetFlavorAssociation_R15N5 JetFlavorAssociation_R15N6 BTaggingWP50_R05N2 BTaggingWP70_R05N2 BTaggingWP90_R05N2 BTaggingWP50_R05N3 BTaggingWP70_R05N3 BTaggingWP90_R05N3 BTaggingWP50_R05N4 BTaggingWP70_R05N4 BTaggingWP90_R05N4 BTaggingWP50_R05N5 BTaggingWP70_R05N5 BTaggingWP90_R05N5 BTaggingWP50_R05N6 BTaggingWP70_R05N6 BTaggingWP90_R05N6 BTaggingWP50_R07N2 BTaggingWP70_R07N2 BTaggingWP90_R07N2 BTaggingWP50_R07N3 BTaggingWP70_R07N3 BTaggingWP90_R07N3 BTaggingWP50_R07N4 BTaggingWP70_R07N4 BTaggingWP90_R07N4 BTaggingWP50_R07N5 BTaggingWP70_R07N5 BTaggingWP90_R07N5 BTaggingWP50_R07N6 BTaggingWP70_R07N6 BTaggingWP90_R07N6 BTaggingWP50_R10N2 BTaggingWP70_R10N2 BTaggingWP90_R10N2 BTaggingWP50_R10N3 BTaggingWP70_R10N3 BTaggingWP90_R10N3 BTaggingWP50_R10N4 BTaggingWP70_R10N4 BTaggingWP90_R10N4 BTaggingWP50_R10N5 BTaggingWP70_R10N5 BTaggingWP90_R10N5 BTaggingWP50_R10N6 BTaggingWP70_R10N6 BTaggingWP90_R10N6 BTaggingWP50_R12N2 BTaggingWP70_R12N2 BTaggingWP90_R12N2 BTaggingWP50_R12N3 BTaggingWP70_R12N3 BTaggingWP90_R12N3 BTaggingWP50_R12N4 BTaggingWP70_R12N4 BTaggingWP90_R12N4 BTaggingWP50_R12N5 BTaggingWP70_R12N5 BTaggingWP90_R12N5 BTaggingWP50_R12N6 BTaggingWP70_R12N6 BTaggingWP90_R12N6 BTaggingWP50_R15N2 BTaggingWP70_R15N2 BTaggingWP90_R15N2 BTaggingWP50_R15N3 BTaggingWP70_R15N3 BTaggingWP90_R15N3 BTaggingWP50_R15N4 BTaggingWP70_R15N4 BTaggingWP90_R15N4 BTaggingWP50_R15N5 BTaggingWP70_R15N5 BTaggingWP90_R15N5 BTaggingWP50_R15N6 BTaggingWP70_R15N6 BTaggingWP90_R15N6 TauTagging_R05N2 ScalarHT TreeWriter } ################################# # Propagate particles in cylinder ################################# module ParticlePropagator ParticlePropagator { set InputArray Delphes/stableParticles set OutputArray stableParticles set ChargedHadronOutputArray chargedHadrons set ElectronOutputArray electrons set MuonOutputArray muons # radius of the magnetic field coverage in the calorimeter, in m set Radius 1.5 # half-length of the magnetic field coverage in the calorimeter, in m set HalfLength 2.31 # magnetic field, in T set Bz 4.0 } #################################### # Charged hadron tracking efficiency #################################### module Efficiency ChargedHadronTrackingEfficiency { set InputArray ParticlePropagator/chargedHadrons set OutputArray chargedHadrons # Current full simulation with CLICdet provides for pions: set EfficiencyFormula { (abs(eta) > 2.54) * (0.000) + (energy >= 80) * (abs(eta) < 2.54) * (1.000) + (energy < 80 && energy >= 3) * (abs(eta) <=2.54 && abs(eta) > 2.34) * (0.994) + (energy < 80 && energy >= 3) * (abs(eta) <= 2.34) * (1.000) + (energy < 3) * (abs(eta) <= 2.54 && abs(eta) > 0.55 ) * (0.000) + (energy < 3) * (abs(eta) <= 0.55 ) * (1.000) } } ############################## # Electron tracking efficiency ############################## module Efficiency ElectronTrackingEfficiency { set InputArray ParticlePropagator/electrons set OutputArray electrons # Current full simulation with CLICdet provides for electrons: set EfficiencyFormula { (pt <= 1) * (0.000) + (abs(eta) > 2.54) * (0.000) + (energy >= 80) * (abs(eta) <= 2.54 && abs(eta) > 2.44 ) * (0.993) + (energy >= 80) * (abs(eta) <= 2.44 && abs(eta) > 2.34 ) * (0.997) + (energy >= 80) * (abs(eta) <= 2.34 ) * (1.000) + (energy < 80 && energy >= 5) * (abs(eta) <= 2.54 && abs(eta) > 2.17 ) * (0.998) + (energy < 80 && energy >= 5) * (abs(eta) <= 2.17) * (1.000) + (energy < 5) * (abs(eta) > 2.34 ) * (0.000) + (energy < 5) * (abs(eta) <= 2.34 && abs(eta) > 0.76 ) * (0.997) + (energy < 5) * (abs(eta) <= 0.76) * (0.999) } } ########################## # Muon tracking efficiency ########################## module Efficiency MuonTrackingEfficiency { set InputArray ParticlePropagator/muons set OutputArray muons # Current full simulation with CLICdet provides for muons: set EfficiencyFormula { (pt < 1) * (0.000) + (abs(eta) > 2.54) * (0.000) + (abs(eta) <= 2.54 && abs(eta) > 2.44 ) * (energy >= 80) * (0.994) + (abs(eta) <= 2.54 && abs(eta) > 2.44 ) * (energy >= 5 && energy < 80) * (0.996) + (abs(eta) <= 2.54 && abs(eta) > 2.44 ) * (energy < 5 ) * (0.996) + (abs(eta) <= 2.44 ) * (energy >= 5 ) * (1.000) + (abs(eta) <= 2.44 && abs(eta) > 2.25 ) * (energy < 5 && pt >=1 ) * (0.999) + (abs(eta) <= 2.25 ) * (energy >= 1) * (1.000) } } ######################################## # Momentum resolution for charged tracks ######################################## module MomentumSmearing ChargedHadronMomentumSmearing { set InputArray ChargedHadronTrackingEfficiency/chargedHadrons set OutputArray chargedHadrons # Resolution given in dpT/pT. # CLICdet internal studies set ResolutionFormula { (abs(eta) < 2.66 && abs(eta) >= 1.74 ) * 2 * sqrt( 8.56036e-05^2 * pt^2 +0.0148987^2 ) + (abs(eta) < 1.74 && abs(eta) >= 1.01 ) * sqrt( 1.12382e-05^2 * pt^2 +0.00391722^2 ) + (abs(eta) < 1.01 && abs(eta) >= 0.55 ) * sqrt( 1.16768e-05^2 * pt^2 +0.00255204^2 ) + (abs(eta) < 0.55 && abs(eta) >= 0.18 ) * sqrt( 1.28327e-05^2 * pt^2 +0.00220587^2 ) + (abs(eta) < 0.18) * sqrt( 1.32845e-05^2 * pt^2 +0.00209325^2 ) } } ################################### # Momentum resolution for electrons ################################### module MomentumSmearing ElectronMomentumSmearing { set InputArray ElectronTrackingEfficiency/electrons set OutputArray electrons # Resolution given in dpT/pT. # CLICdet internal studies set ResolutionFormula { (abs(eta) < 2.66 && abs(eta) >= 1.74 ) * 2 * sqrt( 8.62283e-05^2 * pt^2 + 0.0177556^2 ) + (abs(eta) < 1.74 && abs(eta) >= 1.01 ) * sqrt( 1.0915e-05 ^2 * pt^2 + 0.00663766^2 ) + (abs(eta) < 1.01 && abs(eta) >= 0.55 ) * sqrt( 1.15518e-05^2 * pt^2 + 0.00398644^2 ) + (abs(eta) < 0.55 && abs(eta) >= 0.18 ) * sqrt( 1.3307e-05 ^2 * pt^2 + 0.00317807^2 ) + (abs(eta) < 0.18) * sqrt( 1.40722e-05^2 * pt^2 + 0.00292138^2 ) } } ############################### # Momentum resolution for muons ############################### module MomentumSmearing MuonMomentumSmearing { set InputArray MuonTrackingEfficiency/muons set OutputArray muons # Resolution given in dpT/pT. # CLICdet internal studies set ResolutionFormula { (abs(eta) < 2.66 && abs(eta) >= 1.74 ) * 2 * sqrt(4.57439e-05^2 * pt^2* + 0.0149328^2 ) + (abs(eta) < 1.74 && abs(eta) >= 1.01 ) * sqrt(9.81626e-06^2 * pt^2* + 0.00379895^2 ) + (abs(eta) < 1.01 && abs(eta) >= 0.55 ) * sqrt(1.1959e-05^2 * pt^2* + 0.00242417^2 ) + (abs(eta) < 0.55 && abs(eta) >= 0.18 ) * sqrt(1.20149e-05^2 * pt^2 + 0.00219291^2 ) + (abs(eta) < 0.18) * sqrt(1.29686e-05^2 * pt^2 + 0.0020392^2 ) } } ############## # Track merger ############## module Merger TrackMerger { # add InputArray InputArray add InputArray ChargedHadronMomentumSmearing/chargedHadrons add InputArray ElectronMomentumSmearing/electrons add InputArray MuonMomentumSmearing/muons set OutputArray tracks } ############# # ECAL ############# module SimpleCalorimeter ECal { set ParticleInputArray ParticlePropagator/stableParticles set TrackInputArray TrackMerger/tracks set TowerOutputArray ecalTowers set EFlowTrackOutputArray eflowTracks set EFlowTowerOutputArray eflowPhotons set IsEcal true set EnergyMin 0.5 set EnergySignificanceMin 1.0 set SmearTowerCenter true set pi [expr {acos(-1)}] # lists of the edges of each tower in eta and phi # each list starts with the lower edge of the first tower # the list ends with the higher edged of the last tower #ECAL barrel: dphi = 0.2 degree, deta=0.003 towers up to |eta| <=1.2 #ECAL endcaps: dphi = 0.8 degree, deta=0.02 towers up to |eta| <=2.5 #ECAL plug: dphi = 1 degree, deta = 0.02 up to |eta| <=3 #ECAL cell sizes always 5x5 mm^2 #barrel: #dphi = 0.2 degree towers up to eta <=1.2 set PhiBins {} for {set i -900} {$i <= 900} {incr i} { add PhiBins [expr {$i * $pi/900.0 }] } # 0.003 unit (5x5 mm^2) in eta up to eta <=1.2 for {set i -400} {$i <=400} {incr i} { set eta [expr {$i * 0.003}] add EtaPhiBins $eta $PhiBins } #endcaps: #dphi = 0.8 degree towers for 1.2 < eta <=2.5 set PhiBins {} for {set i -225} {$i <= 225} {incr i} { add PhiBins [expr {$i * $pi/225.}] } #deta=0.02 units for 1.2 < |eta| <=2.5 #first, from -2.5 to -1.2, there will be (1.3/0.02=)65 segments for {set i 1} {$i <=66} {incr i} { set eta [expr {-2.52 + $i * 0.02}] add EtaPhiBins $eta $PhiBins } #same for 1.2 to 2.5 for {set i 1} {$i <=66} {incr i} { set eta [expr {1.18 + $i*0.02}] add EtaPhiBins $eta $PhiBins } #plug: #dphi = 1 degree for 2.5 < eta <=3 set PhiBins {} for {set i -180} {$i <= 180} {incr i} { add PhiBins [expr {$i * $pi/180.}] } # deta = 0.02 for 2.5 < |eta| <=3 # from -3 to -2.5, there will be 25 segments for {set i 1} {$i <= 26} {incr i} { set eta [expr {-3.02 + $i * 0.02}] add EtaPhiBins $eta $PhiBins } #same for 2.5 to 3 for {set i 1} {$i <= 26} {incr i} { set eta [expr {2.48 + $i*0.02}] add EtaPhiBins $eta $PhiBins } # default energy fractions {abs(PDG code)} {fraction of energy deposited in ECAL} add EnergyFraction {0} {0.0} # energy fractions for e, gamma and pi0 add EnergyFraction {11} {1.0} add EnergyFraction {22} {1.0} add EnergyFraction {111} {1.0} # energy fractions for muon, neutrinos and neutralinos add EnergyFraction {12} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {13} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {14} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {16} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {1000022} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {1000023} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {1000025} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {1000035} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {1000045} {0.0} # energy fractions for K0short and Lambda add EnergyFraction {310} {0.3} add EnergyFraction {3122} {0.3} # set ECalResolutionFormula {resolution formula as a function of eta and energy} set ResolutionFormula { (abs(eta) <= 0.78 ) * sqrt(energy^2*0.01^2 + energy*0.156^2)+ (abs(eta) > 0.78 && abs(eta) <=0.83 ) * sqrt( energy^0.01^2 + energy*0.175^2 ) + (abs(eta) <= 3 && abs(eta) > 0.83) * sqrt( energy^2*0.01^2 + energy*0.151^2 )} } ############# # HCAL ############# module SimpleCalorimeter HCal { set ParticleInputArray ParticlePropagator/stableParticles set TrackInputArray ECal/eflowTracks set TowerOutputArray hcalTowers set EFlowTrackOutputArray eflowTracks set EFlowTowerOutputArray eflowNeutralHadrons set IsEcal false set EnergyMin 1.0 set EnergySignificanceMin 1.0 set SmearTowerCenter true set pi [expr {acos(-1)}] # lists of the edges of each tower in eta and phi # each list starts with the lower edge of the first tower # the list ends with the higher edged of the last tower #HCAL barrel: dphi = 1 degree, deta= 0.02 towers up to |eta| <=0.8 #HCAL ring: dphi = 1 degree, deta= 0.02 towers up to |eta| <=0.9 #HCAL endcaps: dphi = 6 degree, deta = 0.1 up to |eta| <=3.5 #HCAL cell sizes always 30x30 mm^2 #barrel and ring: #dphi = 1 degree up to |eta| <=0.9 set PhiBins {} for {set i -180} {$i <=180} {incr i} { add PhiBins [expr {$i * $pi/180.0}] } #deta= 0.02 towers up to |eta| <=0.9 for {set i -45} {$i <=45} {incr i} { set eta [expr {$i * 0.02}] add EtaPhiBins $eta $PhiBins } #endcaps: # dphi = 6 degree set PhiBins {} for {set i -30} {$i <=30} {incr i} { add PhiBins [expr {$i * $pi/30.0}] } # deta =0.1 for 0.9 < |eta| <=3.5 #for -3.5 to -0.9, 26 segments for {set i 1} {$i <=27} {incr i} { set eta [expr {-3.6 + $i * 0.1}] add EtaPhiBins $eta $PhiBins } #same for 0.9 to 3.5 for {set i 1} {$i <=27} {incr i} { set eta [expr {0.8 + $i * 0.1 }] add EtaPhiBins $eta $PhiBins } # default energy fractions {abs(PDG code)} {Fecal Fhcal} add EnergyFraction {0} {1.0} # energy fractions for e, gamma and pi0 add EnergyFraction {11} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {22} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {111} {0.0} # energy fractions for muon, neutrinos and neutralinos add EnergyFraction {12} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {13} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {14} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {16} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {1000022} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {1000023} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {1000025} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {1000035} {0.0} add EnergyFraction {1000045} {0.0} # energy fractions for K0short and Lambda add EnergyFraction {310} {0.7} add EnergyFraction {3122} {0.7} # set HCalResolutionFormula {resolution formula as a function of eta and energy} #CLICdet internal studies set ResolutionFormula { (abs(eta)<= 0.3) * sqrt(1.38^2 + energy*0.308^2 + energy^2*0.050^2) + (abs(eta)<= 0.78 && abs(eta) > 0.3) * sqrt(1.25^2 + energy*0.322^2 + energy^2*0.048^2) + (abs(eta)<=1.099 && abs(eta) > 0.78) * sqrt( 1.159^2 + energy*0.341^2 + energy^2*0.049^2 ) + (abs(eta)<=3 && abs(eta)> 1.099) * sqrt( 1.09^2 + energy*0.319^2 + energy^2*0.052^2 ) } } ################# # Electron filter ################# module PdgCodeFilter ElectronFilter { set InputArray HCal/eflowTracks set OutputArray electrons set Invert true add PdgCode {11} add PdgCode {-11} } ###################### # ChargedHadronFilter ###################### module PdgCodeFilter ChargedHadronFilter { set InputArray HCal/eflowTracks set OutputArray chargedHadrons add PdgCode {11} add PdgCode {-11} add PdgCode {13} add PdgCode {-13} } ################################################### # Tower Merger (in case not using e-flow algorithm) ################################################### module Merger Calorimeter { # add InputArray InputArray add InputArray ECal/ecalTowers add InputArray HCal/hcalTowers set OutputArray towers } #################### # Energy flow merger #################### module Merger EFlowMerger { # add InputArray InputArray add InputArray HCal/eflowTracks add InputArray ECal/eflowPhotons add InputArray HCal/eflowNeutralHadrons set OutputArray eflow } ################### # Photon efficiency ################### module Efficiency PhotonEfficiency { set InputArray ECal/eflowPhotons set OutputArray photons # set EfficiencyFormula {efficiency formula as a function of eta and pt} # efficiency formula for photons # current full simulation of CLICdet yields: set EfficiencyFormula { (energy < 2.0 ) * (0.000) + (energy >= 2.0) * (abs(eta) < 0.7)*(0.94) + (energy >= 2.0) * (abs(eta) >=0.7 && abs(eta) <=3.0) * (0.9) } } ################## # Photon isolation ################## module Isolation PhotonIsolation { set CandidateInputArray PhotonEfficiency/photons set IsolationInputArray EFlowMerger/eflow set OutputArray photons set DeltaRMax 0.5 set PTMin 0.5 set PTRatioMax 0.12 } ##################### # Electron efficiency ##################### module Efficiency ElectronEfficiency { set InputArray ElectronFilter/electrons set OutputArray electrons # set EfficiencyFormula {efficiency formula as a function of eta and pt} set EfficiencyFormula { (energy < 3.0) * ( 0.00 ) + ( energy >=3 && energy < 8 ) * (abs(eta) > 1.95) * (0.58 ) + ( energy >=3 && energy < 8 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.95 && abs(eta) > 1.22) * ( 0.7 ) + ( energy >=3 && energy < 8 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.22 && abs(eta) > 1.1 ) * ( 0.6 ) + ( energy >=3 && energy < 8 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.1 && abs(eta) > 0.91 ) * ( 0.7 ) + ( energy >=3 && energy < 8 ) * (abs(eta) <= 0.91 && abs(eta) > 0.69) * ( 0.8 ) + ( energy >=3 && energy < 8 ) * (abs(eta) <= 0.69) * (0.84 ) + ( energy >=8 && energy < 13 ) * (abs(eta) > 1.95) * ( 0.6 ) + ( energy >=8 && energy < 13 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.95 && abs(eta) > 1.22) * ( 0.76 ) + ( energy >=8 && energy < 13 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.22 && abs(eta) > 1.1 ) * ( 0.67 ) + ( energy >=8 && energy < 13 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.1 && abs(eta) > 0.91 ) * ( 0.78 ) + ( energy >=8 && energy < 13 ) * (abs(eta) <= 0.91 && abs(eta) > 0.69) * ( 0.86 ) + ( energy >=8 && energy < 13 ) * (abs(eta) <= 0.69) * ( 0.88 ) + ( energy >=13 && energy < 18 ) * (abs(eta) > 1.95) * ( 0.6 ) + ( energy >=13 && energy < 18 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.95 && abs(eta) > 1.22) * ( 0.8 ) + ( energy >=13 && energy < 18 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.22 && abs(eta) > 1.1 ) * ( 0.68 ) + ( energy >=13 && energy < 18 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.1 && abs(eta) > 0.91 ) * ( 0.84 ) + ( energy >=13 && energy < 18 ) * (abs(eta) <= 0.91 && abs(eta) > 0.69) * ( 0.88 ) + ( energy >=13 && energy < 18 ) * (abs(eta) <= 0.69) * ( 0.9 ) + ( energy >=18 && energy < 23 ) * (abs(eta) > 1.95) * (0.64 ) + ( energy >=18 && energy < 23 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.95 && abs(eta) > 1.22) * (0.82 ) + ( energy >=18 && energy < 23 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.22 && abs(eta) > 1.1 ) * ( 0.7 ) + ( energy >=18 && energy < 23 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.1 && abs(eta) > 0.91 ) * (0.84 ) + ( energy >=18 && energy < 23 ) * (abs(eta) <= 0.91 && abs(eta) > 0.69) * ( 0.9 ) + ( energy >=18 && energy < 23 ) * (abs(eta) <= 0.69) * (0.92 ) + ( energy >= 23 && energy < 28 ) * (abs(eta) > 1.95) * (0.64 ) + ( energy >= 23 && energy < 28 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.95 && abs(eta) > 1.22) * (0.86 ) + ( energy >= 23 && energy < 28 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.22 && abs(eta) > 1.1 ) * (0.74 ) + ( energy >= 23 && energy < 28 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.1 && abs(eta) > 0.91 ) * (0.87 ) + ( energy >= 23 && energy < 28 ) * (abs(eta) <= 0.91 && abs(eta) > 0.69) * (0.91 ) + ( energy >= 23 && energy < 28 ) * (abs(eta) <= 0.69) * (0.94 ) + ( energy >=28 && energy < 35 ) * (abs(eta) > 1.95) * (0.67 ) + ( energy >=28 && energy < 35 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.95 && abs(eta) > 1.22) * (0.88 ) + ( energy >=28 && energy < 35 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.22 && abs(eta) > 1.1 ) * (0.78 ) + ( energy >=28 && energy < 35 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.1 && abs(eta) > 0.91 ) * ( 0.9 ) + ( energy >=28 && energy < 35 ) * (abs(eta) <= 0.91 && abs(eta) > 0.69) * (0.94 ) + ( energy >=28 && energy < 35 ) * (abs(eta) <= 0.69) * (0.94 ) + ( energy >=35 && energy < 45 ) * (abs(eta) > 1.95) * (0.68 ) + ( energy >=35 && energy < 45 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.95 && abs(eta) > 1.22) * ( 0.9 ) + ( energy >=35 && energy < 45 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.22 && abs(eta) > 1.1 ) * (0.86 ) + ( energy >=35 && energy < 45 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.1 && abs(eta) > 0.91 ) * (0.92 ) + ( energy >=35 && energy < 45 ) * (abs(eta) <= 0.91 && abs(eta) > 0.69) * (0.94 ) + ( energy >=35 && energy < 45 ) * (abs(eta) <= 0.69) * (0.96 ) + ( energy >=45 && energy < 80 ) * (abs(eta) > 1.95) * ( 0.7 ) + ( energy >=45 && energy < 80 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.95 && abs(eta) > 1.22) * ( 0.92 ) + ( energy >=45 && energy < 80 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.22 && abs(eta) > 1.1 ) * ( 0.8 ) + ( energy >=45 && energy < 80 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.1 && abs(eta) > 0.91 ) * ( 0.94 ) + ( energy >=45 && energy < 80 ) * (abs(eta) <= 0.91 && abs(eta) > 0.69) * ( 0.96 ) + ( energy >=45 && energy < 80 ) * (abs(eta) <= 0.69) * ( 0.97 ) + ( energy >=80 && energy < 200 ) * (abs(eta) > 1.95) * (0.68 ) + ( energy >=80 && energy < 200 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.95 && abs(eta) > 1.22) * (0.96 ) + ( energy >=80 && energy < 200 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.22 && abs(eta) > 1.1 ) * (0.84 ) + ( energy >=80 && energy < 200 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.1 && abs(eta) > 0.91 ) * (0.94 ) + ( energy >=80 && energy < 200 ) * (abs(eta) <= 0.91 && abs(eta) > 0.69) * (0.98 ) + ( energy >=80 && energy < 200 ) * (abs(eta) <= 0.69) * (0.98 ) + ( energy >=200 && energy < 400 ) * (abs(eta) > 1.95) * ( 0.68 ) + ( energy >=200 && energy < 400 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.95 && abs(eta) > 1.22) * ( 0.97 ) + ( energy >=200 && energy < 400 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.22 && abs(eta) > 1.1 ) * ( 0.86 ) + ( energy >=200 && energy < 400 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.1 && abs(eta) > 0.91 ) * ( 0.96 ) + ( energy >=200 && energy < 400 ) * (abs(eta) <= 0.91 && abs(eta) > 0.69) * ( 0.98 ) + ( energy >=200 && energy < 400 ) * (abs(eta) <= 0.69) * ( 0.98 ) + ( energy >=400 ) * (abs(eta) > 1.95) * (0.68 ) + ( energy >=400 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.95 && abs(eta) > 1.22) * (0.96 ) + ( energy >=400 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.22 && abs(eta) > 1.1 ) * (0.82 ) + ( energy >=400 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.1 && abs(eta) > 0.91 ) * (0.96 ) + ( energy >=400 ) * (abs(eta) <= 0.91 && abs(eta) > 0.69) * (0.98 ) + ( energy >=400 ) * (abs(eta) <= 0.69) * (0.98 ) } } #################### # Electron isolation #################### module Isolation ElectronIsolation { set CandidateInputArray ElectronEfficiency/electrons set IsolationInputArray EFlowMerger/eflow set OutputArray electrons set DeltaRMax 0.5 set PTMin 0.5 set PTRatioMax 0.12 } ################# # Muon efficiency ################# module Efficiency MuonEfficiency { set InputArray MuonMomentumSmearing/muons set OutputArray muons # set EfficiencyFormula {efficiency as a function of eta and pt} # efficiency formula for muons # current full simulation of CLICdet yields: set EfficiencyFormula { (energy < 2.0 ) * (0.00) + (energy < 50 && energy >=2.0 ) * ( abs(eta) > 1.95 ) * (0.73) + (energy < 50 && energy >=2.0 ) * (abs(eta) <= 1.95 && abs(eta) > 0.2) * (0.98) + (energy < 50 && energy >=2.0 ) * (abs(eta) <= 0.2) * (0.87) + (energy>=50) * (0.999) } } ################ # Muon isolation ################ module Isolation MuonIsolation { set CandidateInputArray MuonEfficiency/muons set IsolationInputArray EFlowMerger/eflow set OutputArray muons set DeltaRMax 0.5 set PTMin 0.5 set PTRatioMax 0.25 } ################### # Missing ET merger ################### module Merger MissingET { # add InputArray InputArray add InputArray EFlowMerger/eflow set MomentumOutputArray momentum } ################## # Scalar HT merger ################## module Merger ScalarHT { # add InputArray InputArray add InputArray EFlowMerger/eflow set EnergyOutputArray energy } ###################### # EFlowFilter (UniqueObjectFinder) ###################### module UniqueObjectFinder EFlowFilter { add InputArray PhotonIsolation/photons photons add InputArray ElectronIsolation/electrons electrons add InputArray MuonIsolation/muons muons add InputArray EFlowMerger/eflow eflow } ################# # Neutrino Filter ################# module PdgCodeFilter NeutrinoFilter { set InputArray Delphes/stableParticles set OutputArray filteredParticles set PTMin 0.0 add PdgCode {12} add PdgCode {14} add PdgCode {16} add PdgCode {-12} add PdgCode {-14} add PdgCode {-16} } ##################### # MC truth jet finder ##################### module FastJetFinder GenJetFinder { set InputArray NeutrinoFilter/filteredParticles set OutputArray jets # algorithm: 1 CDFJetClu, 2 MidPoint, 3 SIScone, 4 kt, 5 Cambridge/Aachen, 6 antikt, 7 anti-kt with winner-take-all axis (for N-subjettiness), 8 N-jettiness, 9 Valencia set JetAlgorithm 9 set ParameterR 0.5 set JetPTMin 20.0 } ######################### # Gen Missing ET merger ######################## module Merger GenMissingET { # add InputArray InputArray add InputArray NeutrinoFilter/filteredParticles set MomentumOutputArray momentum } ############ # Jet finder ############ module FastJetFinder FastJetFinderKt { # set InputArray Calorimeter/towers set InputArray EFlowMerger/eflow set OutputArray KTjets # algorithm: 1 CDFJetClu, 2 MidPoint, 3 SIScone, 4 kt, 5 Cambridge/Aachen, 6 antikt, 7 anti-kt with winner-take-all axis (for N-subjettiness), 8 N-jettiness, 9 Valencia set JetAlgorithm 4 set ParameterR 0.5 set JetPTMin 20.0 } ################ # Jet finder VLC ################ source CLICdet/CLICdet_JetReco.tcl ################### ## Jet Energy Scale ################### # #module EnergyScale JetEnergyScale { # set InputArray FastJetFinderVLC_R10_N4/VLCjetsR10N4 # set OutputArray jets # # # scale formula for jets # set ScaleFormula {1.00} #} ######################## # Jet Flavor Association ######################## source CLICdet/CLICdet_JetFlavorAssociation.tcl ########### # b-tagging ########### # based on CLICdp-Note-2014-002 source CLICdet/CLICdet_BTagging.tcl ############# # tau-tagging ############# # based on LCD-2010-009 source CLICdet/CLICdet_TauTagging.tcl ################## # ROOT tree writer ################## module TreeWriter TreeWriter { # add Branch InputArray BranchName BranchClass add Branch Delphes/allParticles Particle GenParticle add Branch GenJetFinder/jets GenJet Jet add Branch FastJetFinderKt/KTjets KTjet Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R05_N2/VLCjetsR05N2 VLCjetR05N2 Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R05_N3/VLCjetsR05N3 VLCjetR05N3 Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R05_N4/VLCjetsR05N4 VLCjetR05N4 Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R05_N5/VLCjetsR05N5 VLCjetR05N5 Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R05_N6/VLCjetsR05N6 VLCjetR05N6 Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R07_N2/VLCjetsR07N2 VLCjetR07N2 Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R07_N3/VLCjetsR07N3 VLCjetR07N3 Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R07_N4/VLCjetsR07N4 VLCjetR07N4 Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R07_N5/VLCjetsR07N5 VLCjetR07N5 Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R07_N6/VLCjetsR07N6 VLCjetR07N6 Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R10_N2/VLCjetsR10N2 VLCjetR10N2 Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R10_N3/VLCjetsR10N3 VLCjetR10N3 Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R10_N4/VLCjetsR10N4 VLCjetR10N4 Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R10_N5/VLCjetsR10N5 VLCjetR10N5 Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R10_N6/VLCjetsR10N6 VLCjetR10N6 Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R12_N2/VLCjetsR12N2 VLCjetR12N2 Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R12_N3/VLCjetsR12N3 VLCjetR12N3 Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R12_N4/VLCjetsR12N4 VLCjetR12N4 Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R12_N5/VLCjetsR12N5 VLCjetR12N5 Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R12_N6/VLCjetsR12N6 VLCjetR12N6 Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R15_N2/VLCjetsR15N2 VLCjetR15N2 Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R15_N3/VLCjetsR15N3 VLCjetR15N3 Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R15_N4/VLCjetsR15N4 VLCjetR15N4 Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R15_N5/VLCjetsR15N5 VLCjetR15N5 Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R15_N6/VLCjetsR15N6 VLCjetR15N6 Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R05_inclusive/VLCjetsR05_inclusive VLCjetR05_inclusive Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R07_inclusive/VLCjetsR07_inclusive VLCjetR07_inclusive Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R10_inclusive/VLCjetsR10_inclusive VLCjetR10_inclusive Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R12_inclusive/VLCjetsR12_inclusive VLCjetR12_inclusive Jet add Branch FastJetFinderVLC_R15_inclusive/VLCjetsR15_inclusive VLCjetR15_inclusive Jet add Branch GenMissingET/momentum GenMissingET MissingET add Branch TrackMerger/tracks Track Track add Branch Calorimeter/towers Tower Tower add Branch HCal/eflowTracks EFlowTrack Track add Branch ECal/eflowPhotons EFlowPhoton Tower add Branch HCal/eflowNeutralHadrons EFlowNeutralHadron Tower add Branch EFlowFilter/photons Photon Photon add Branch EFlowFilter/electrons Electron Electron add Branch EFlowFilter/muons Muon Muon add Branch MissingET/momentum MissingET MissingET add Branch ScalarHT/energy ScalarHT ScalarHT }