Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of WikiProcessors

Aug 1, 2024, 10:29:24 AM (2 months ago)



  • WikiProcessors

    v2 v3  
    11= Wiki Processors
    3 Processors are WikiMacros designed to provide alternative markup formats for the [TracWiki Wiki engine]. Processors can be thought of as ''macro functions to process user-edited text''.
     3Processors are WikiMacros that provide alternative markup formats for the [TracWiki Wiki engine]. Processors can be thought of as ''macro functions to process user-edited text''.
    55Wiki processors can be used in any Wiki text throughout Trac, such as:
    66 - [#CodeHighlightingSupport syntax highlighting] or for rendering text verbatim
    7  - rendering [#HTMLrelated Wiki markup inside a context], like inside <div> blocks or <span> or within <td> or <th> table cells
    8  - using an alternative markup syntax, like [WikiHtml raw HTML] and [WikiRestructuredText Restructured Text] or [ textile]
     7 - rendering [#HTMLrelated Wiki markup inside a context] such as <div> or <span> blocks or within <td> or <th> table cells
     8 - using an alternative markup syntax, like [WikiHtml raw HTML] and [WikiRestructuredText Restructured Text] or [ textile]
    1010== Using Processors
    4040{{{#!td colspan=2 align=center style="border: none"
    42                 __Example 1__: Inserting raw HTML
     42                '''Example 1''': Inserting raw HTML
    6060{{{#!td colspan=2 align=center style="border: none"
    62      __Example 2__: Highlighted Python code in a <div> block with custom style
     62     '''Example 2''': Highlighted Python code in a <div> block with custom style
    9494{{{#!td colspan=2 align=center style="border: none"
    96      __Example 3__: Searching tickets from a wiki page, by keywords.
     96     '''Example 3''': Searching tickets from a wiki page, by keywords.
    155155|| '''`#!th`''' || Wrap wiki content inside a <th> element. (''since 0.12'') ||
    156156|| '''`#!tr`''' || Can optionally be used for wrapping `#!td` and `#!th` blocks, either for specifying row attributes or better visual grouping. (''since 0.12'') ||
    157 || '''`#!table`''' || Can optionally be used for wrapping `#!tr`, `#!td` and `#!th` blocks, for specifying table attributes. One current limitation however is that tables cannot be nested. (''since 0.12'') || 
     157|| '''`#!table`''' || Can optionally be used for wrapping `#!tr`, `#!td` and `#!th` blocks, for specifying table attributes. One current limitation however is that tables cannot be nested. (''since 0.12'') ||
    158158|| || See WikiHtml for example usage and more details about these processors. ||
    159159|||| ||
    160160||||= '''Other Markups''' =||
    161161|| '''`#!rst`''' || Trac support for Restructured Text. See WikiRestructuredText. ||
    162 || '''`#!textile`''' || Supported if [ Textile] is installed. See [ a Textile reference]. ||
     162|| '''`#!textile`''' || Supported if [ Textile] is installed. See [ a Textile reference]. ||
    163163|||| ||
    164164||||= '''[=#CodeHighlightingSupport Code Highlighting Support]''' =||
    165 || '''`#!c`''' [[BR]] '''`#!cpp`''' (C++) [[BR]] '''`#!python`''' [[BR]] '''`#!perl`''' [[BR]] '''`#!ruby`''' [[BR]] '''`#!php`''' [[BR]] '''`#!asp`''' [[BR]] '''`#!java`''' [[BR]] '''`#!js`''' (Javascript) [[BR]] '''`#!sql`''' [[BR]] '''`#!xml`''' (XML or HTML) [[BR]] '''`#!sh`''' (!Bourne/Bash shell) [[BR]] '''etc.''' [[BR]] || Trac includes processors to provide inline syntax highlighting for source code in various languages. [[BR]] [[BR]] Trac relies on [ Pygments] for syntax coloring. [[BR]] [[BR]] See TracSyntaxColoring for information about which languages are supported and how to enable support for more languages. ||
    166 |||| ||
     165|| '''`#!c`''' [[BR]] '''`#!cpp`''' (C++) [[BR]] '''`#!python`''' [[BR]] '''`#!perl`''' [[BR]] '''`#!ruby`''' [[BR]] '''`#!php`''' [[BR]] '''`#!asp`''' [[BR]] '''`#!java`''' [[BR]] '''`#!js`''' (Javascript) [[BR]] '''`#!sql`''' [[BR]] '''`#!xml`''' (XML or HTML) [[BR]] '''`#!sh`''' (!Bourne/Bash shell) [[BR]] || Trac includes processors to provide inline syntax highlighting for source code in various languages. [[BR]] [[BR]] Trac relies on [ Pygments] for syntax coloring. [[BR]] [[BR]] See TracSyntaxColoring for information about which languages are supported and how to enable support for more languages. ||
     166|||| ||
     168Since 1.1.2 the default, coding highlighting and MIME-type processors support the argument `lineno` for adding line numbering to the code block. When a value is specified, as in `lineno=3`, the numbering will start at the specified value. When used in combination with the `lineno` argument, the `marks` argument is also supported for highlighting lines. A single line number, set of line numbers and range of line numbers are allowed. For example, `marks=3`, `marks=3-6`, `marks=3,5,7` and `marks=3-5,7` are all allowed. The specified values are relative to the numbered lines, so if `lineno=2` is specified to start the line numbering at 2, `marks=2` will result in the first line being highlighted.
    168170Using the MIME type as processor, it is possible to syntax-highlight the same languages that are supported when browsing source code.
     233Line numbers can be added to code blocks and lines can be highlighted //(since 1.1.2)//.
     235{{{#!python lineno=3 marks=3,9-10,16
     236def expand_markup(stream, ctxt=None):
     237    """A Genshi stream filter for expanding `genshi.Markup` events.
     239    Note: Expansion may not be possible if the fragment is badly
     240    formed, or partial.
     241    """
     242    for event in stream:
     243        if isinstance(event[1], Markup):
     244            try:
     245                for subevent in HTML(event[1]):
     246                    yield subevent
     247            except ParseError:
     248                yield event
     249        else:
     250            yield event
     253{{{#!python lineno=3 marks=3,9-10,16
     254def expand_markup(stream, ctxt=None):
     255    """A Genshi stream filter for expanding `genshi.Markup` events.
     257    Note: Expansion may not be possible if the fragment is badly
     258    formed, or partial.
     259    """
     260    for event in stream:
     261        if isinstance(event[1], Markup):
     262            try:
     263                for subevent in HTML(event[1]):
     264                    yield subevent
     265            except ParseError:
     266                yield event
     267        else:
     268            yield event
    231271For more processor macros developed and/or contributed by users, visit the [ Trac Hacks] community site.
    233 Developing processors is no different from Wiki macros. In fact, they work the same way, only the usage syntax differs. See WikiMacros#DevelopingCustomMacros for more information.
     273Processors are implemented using the same interfaces as Wiki macros, only the usage syntax differs. To develop a processor, see WikiMacros#DevelopingCustomMacros.