############################################################################## # Input collections (specify ROOT tree name and file listing input ROOT files) ############################################################################## add InputCollection {STDHEP pythia_events.list} set OutputFile Matching set TreeName Matching ####################################### # Order of execution of various modules ####################################### set ExecutionPath { pythiafix initstateselection showerselection partonjetfinder jetparticleselection hadronjetfinder treewriter } ############################### # Fix partilce's daughter index ############################### module PythiaFix pythiafix ################# # Parton selector ################# module MadGraphPartonSelector initstateselection { set PartonIDs {1 2 3 4 5 21} set ExcludedAncestorIDs {6 23 24} } ################# # Parton selector ################# module MadGraphShowerPartonSelector showerselection { set EtaMax 5.0 set PartonIDs {1 2 3 4 5 21} set ExcludedAncestorIDs {6 23 24} } ################### # Parton jet finder ################### module MadGraphKtJetFinder partonjetfinder { set InputArray "showerselection/candidates" set CollisionType 4 set DistanceScheme 3 set RecombinationScheme 3 set ParameterR 1.0 set Exclusive true set ECut 1.0 set DCut 2500.0 set ParticleNumberMin 2 } ############################## # Hadron jet particle selector ############################## module MadGraphJetParticleSelector jetparticleselection { set SpecialParticleIDs {11 13 15} set ExcludedAncestorIDs {22 23 24} set ExcludedParticleIDs {12 14 16} } ################### # Hadron jet finder ################### module MadGraphKtJetFinder hadronjetfinder { set InputArray "jetparticleselection/candidates" set CollisionType 4 set DistanceScheme 3 set RecombinationScheme 3 set ParameterR 1.0 set Exclusive true set ECut 1.0 set DCut 2500.0 set ParticleNumberMin 2 } ################## # ROOT tree writer ################## module MadGraphMatchingTreeWriter treewriter { add Branch {PartonJet ExRootGenJet "partonjetfinder/candidates"} add Branch {HadronJet ExRootGenJet "hadronjetfinder/candidates"} add Branch {Match ExRootMatching "partonjetfinder/matching"} add Branch {Parton ExRootGenParticle "initstateselection/candidates"} set JetPTMin 20.0 set JetEtaMax 4.5 }