#!/usr/bin/env perl # Copyright 1998-2001 by Sebastian Rahtz et al. # epstopdf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # epstopdf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with epstopdf; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA use strict; # A script to transform an EPS file so that: # a) it is guarenteed to start at the 0,0 coordinate # b) it sets a page size exactly corresponding to the BoundingBox # This means that when Ghostscript renders it, the result needs no # cropping, and the PDF MediaBox is correct. # c) the result is piped to Ghostscript and a PDF version written # # It needs a Level 2 PS interpreter. # If the bounding box is not right, of course, you have problems... # # The only thing I have not allowed for is the case of # "%%BoundingBox: (atend)", which is more complicated. # # Sebastian Rahtz, for Elsevier Science # # now with extra tricks from Hans Hagen's texutil. # # History # 1999/05/06 v2.5 (Heiko Oberdiek) # * New options: --hires, --exact, --filter, --help. # * Many cosmetics: title, usage, ... # * New code for debug, warning, error # * Detecting of cygwin perl # * Scanning for %%{Hires,Exact,}BoundingBox. # * Scanning only the header in order not to get a wrong # BoundingBox of an included file. # * (atend) supported. # * uses strict; (earlier error detecting). # * changed first comment from '%!PS' to '%!'; # * corrected (atend) pattern: '\s*\(atend\)' # * using of $bbxpat in all BoundingBox cases, # correct the first white space to '...Box:\s*$bb...' # * corrected first line (one line instead of two before 'if 0;'; # 2000/11/05 v2.6 (Heiko Oberdiek) # * %%HiresBoundingBox corrected to %%HiResBoundingBox # 2001/03/05 v2.7 (Heiko Oberdiek) # * Newline before grestore for the case that there is no # whitespace at the end of the eps file. # 2006/05/09 v2.8 (David W. Rankin, Jr.) # * option --pdfvers to specify the Ghostscript command to set # the PDF version output. my $IsWin32 = ($^O =~ /MSWin32/i); ### program identification my $program = "epstosmth"; my $filedate="2006/05/09"; my $fileversion="2.8"; my $copyright = "Copyright 1998-2001 by Sebastian Rahtz et al."; my $title = "\U$program\E $fileversion, $filedate - $copyright\n"; ### ghostscript command name my $GS = "gs"; $GS = "gswin32c" if $^O eq 'MSWin32'; if ($IsWin32) { $GS = `kpsecheck --ghostscript`; $GS =~ m/^dll\s*:\s*(.+)/mio; $GS = $1; $GS =~ s/gsdll32.dll/gswin32c.exe/io; if ($GS eq "") { $GS = "gswin32c.exe"; } $GS = "\"$GS\"" if ($GS =~ m/\s/); } ### options $::opt_help=0; $::opt_debug=0; $::opt_compress=1; $::opt_gs=1; $::opt_hires=0; $::opt_exact=0; $::opt_filter=0; $::opt_outfile=""; $::opt_pdfvers=""; $::opt_gsdev="pdfwrite"; $::opt_gsopt=""; ### usage my @bool = ("false", "true"); my $usage = <<"END_OF_USAGE"; ${title}Syntax: $program [options] Options: --help: print usage --outfile=: write result to --(no)filter: read standard input (default: $bool[$::opt_filter]) --(no)gs: run ghostscript (default: $bool[$::opt_gs]) --(no)compress: use compression (default: $bool[$::opt_compress]) --(no)pdfvers: PDF Version for Output (default: [GhostScript's default]) --(no)hires: scan HiResBoundingBox (default: $bool[$::opt_hires]) --(no)exact: scan ExactBoundingBox (default: $bool[$::opt_exact]) --(no)debug: debug informations (default: $bool[$::opt_debug]) --gsdev=: select gs device --gsopt=: additional gs options Examples for producing 'test.pdf': * $program test.eps * produce postscript | $program --filter >test.pdf * produce postscript | $program -f -d -o=test.pdf Example: look for HiResBoundingBox and produce corrected PostScript: * $program -d --nogs -hires test.ps>testcorr.ps END_OF_USAGE ### process options use Getopt::Long; GetOptions ( "help!", "debug!", "filter!", "compress!", "gs!", "hires!", "exact!", "pdfvers=s", "outfile=s", "gsdev=s", "gsopt=s", ) or die $usage; ### help functions sub debug { print STDERR "* @_\n" if $::opt_debug; } sub warning { print STDERR "==> Warning: @_!\n"; } sub error { die "$title!!! Error: @_!\n"; } sub errorUsage { die "$usage\n!!! Error: @_!\n"; } ### option help die $usage if $::opt_help; ### get input filename my $InputFilename = ""; if ($::opt_filter) { @ARGV == 0 or die errorUsage "Input file cannot be used with filter option"; $InputFilename = "-"; debug "Input file: standard input"; } else { @ARGV > 0 or die errorUsage "Input filename missing"; @ARGV < 2 or die errorUsage "Unknown option or too many input files"; $InputFilename = $ARGV[0]; -f $InputFilename or error "'$InputFilename' does not exist"; debug "Input filename:", $InputFilename; } ### option compress my $GSOPTS = "$::opt_gsopt "; debug "gs opts:", $GSOPTS; $GSOPTS .= "-dUseFlateCompression=false " unless $::opt_compress; ### option pdfvers (GhostScript PDF Compatability options) $GSOPTS .= "-dCompatibilityLevel=$::opt_pdfvers " unless $::opt_pdfvers eq ""; ### option BoundingBox types my $BBName = "%%BoundingBox:"; !($::opt_hires and $::opt_exact) or error "Options --hires and --exact cannot be used together"; $BBName = "%%HiResBoundingBox:" if $::opt_hires; $BBName = "%%ExactBoundingBox:" if $::opt_exact; debug "BoundingBox comment:", $BBName; ### option outfile my $OutputFilename = $::opt_outfile; if ($OutputFilename eq "") { if ($::opt_gs) { $OutputFilename = $InputFilename; if (!$::opt_filter) { $OutputFilename =~ s/\.[^\.]*$//; if ($::opt_gsdev =~ m/^pdf/) { $OutputFilename .= '.pdf'; } elsif ($::opt_gsdev =~ m/^png/) { $OutputFilename .= '.png'; } elsif ($::opt_gsdev =~ m/^jpeg/) { $OutputFilename .= '.jpg'; } else { $OutputFilename .= ($::opt_gsdev eq "" ? ".pdf" : ".$::opt_gsdev"); } } } else { $OutputFilename = "-"; # standard output } } if ($::opt_filter) { debug "Output file: standard output"; } else { debug "Output filename:", $OutputFilename; } ### option gs if ($::opt_gs) { debug "Ghostscript command:", $GS; debug "Compression:", ($::opt_compress) ? "on" : "off"; } ### open input file open(IN,"<$InputFilename") or error "Cannot open", ($::opt_filter) ? "standard input" : "'$InputFilename'"; binmode IN; ### open output file if ($::opt_gs) { my $pipe = "$GS -q -sDEVICE=$::opt_gsdev $GSOPTS " . "-sOutputFile=$OutputFilename - -c quit"; debug "Ghostscript pipe:", $pipe; open(OUT,"|$pipe") or error "Cannot open Ghostscript for piped input"; } else { open(OUT,">$OutputFilename") or error "Cannot write '$OutputFilename"; } ### scan first line my $header = 0; $_ = ; if (/%!/) { # throw away binary junk before %! s/(.*)%!/%!/o; } $header = 1 if /^%/; debug "Scanning header for BoundingBox"; print OUT; ### variables and pattern for BoundingBox search my $bbxpatt = '[0-9eE\.\-]'; # protect backslashes: "\\" gets '\' my $BBValues = "\\s*($bbxpatt+)\\s+($bbxpatt+)\\s+($bbxpatt+)\\s+($bbxpatt+)"; my $BBCorrected = 0; sub CorrectBoundingBox { my ($llx, $lly, $urx, $ury) = @_; debug "Old BoundingBox:", $llx, $lly, $urx, $ury; my ($width, $height) = ($urx - $llx, $ury - $lly); my ($xoffset, $yoffset) = (-$llx, -$lly); debug "New BoundingBox: 0 0", $width, $height; debug "Offset:", $xoffset, $yoffset; print OUT "%%BoundingBox: 0 0 $width $height\n"; print OUT "<< /PageSize [$width $height] >> setpagedevice\n"; print OUT "gsave $xoffset $yoffset translate\n"; } ### scan header if ($header) { while () { ### end of header if (!/^%/ or /^%%EndComments/) { print OUT; last; } ### BoundingBox with values if (/^$BBName$BBValues/) { CorrectBoundingBox $1, $2, $3, $4; $BBCorrected = 1; last; } ### BoundingBox with (atend) if (/^$BBName\s*\(atend\)/) { debug $BBName, "(atend)"; if ($::opt_filter) { warning "Cannot look for BoundingBox in the trailer", "with option --filter"; last; } my $pos = tell(IN); debug "Current file position:", $pos; # looking for %%BoundingBox while () { # skip over included documents if (/^%%BeginDocument/) { while () { last if /^%%EndDocument/; } } if (/^$BBName$BBValues/) { CorrectBoundingBox $1, $2, $3, $4; $BBCorrected = 1; last; } } # go back seek(IN, $pos, 0) or error "Cannot go back to line '$BBName (atend)'"; last; } # print header line print OUT; } } ### print rest of file while () { print OUT; } ### close files close(IN); print OUT "\ngrestore\n" if $BBCorrected; close(OUT); warning "BoundingBox not found" unless $BBCorrected; debug "Ready."; ;