/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File: split_merge.cpp // // Description: source file for splitting/merging (contains the CJet class) // // This file is part of the SISCone project. // // For more details, see http://projects.hepforge.org/siscone // // // // Copyright (c) 2006 Gavin Salam and Gregory Soyez // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA // // // // $Revision: 1.1 $// // $Date: 2008-10-02 15:20:29 $// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "split_merge.h" #include "siscone_error.h" #include "momentum.h" #include #include // for max #include #include #include #include namespace siscone{ using namespace std; /******************************************************** * class Cjet implementation * * real Jet information. * * This class contains information for one single jet. * * That is, first, its momentum carrying information * * about its centre and pT, and second, its particle * * contents * ********************************************************/ // default ctor //-------------- Cjet::Cjet(){ n = 0; v = Cmomentum(); pt_tilde = 0.0; sm_var2 = 0.0; } // default dtor //-------------- Cjet::~Cjet(){ } // ordering of jets in pt (e.g. used in final jets ordering) //----------------------------------------------------------- bool jets_pt_less(const Cjet &j1, const Cjet &j2){ return j1.v.perp2() > j2.v.perp2(); } /******************************************************** * Csplit_merge_ptcomparison implementation * * This deals with the ordering of the jets candidates * ********************************************************/ // odering of two jets // The variable of the ordering is pt or mt // depending on 'split_merge_scale' choice // // with EPSILON_SPLITMERGE defined, this attempts to identify // delicate cases where two jets have identical momenta except for // softish particles -- the difference of pt's may not be correctly // identified normally and so lead to problems for the fate of the // softish particle. // // NB: there is a potential issue in momentum-conserving events, // whereby the harder of two jets becomes ill-defined when a soft // particle is emitted --- this may have a knock-on effect on // subsequent split-merge steps in cases with sufficiently large R // (but we don't know what the limit is...) //------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Csplit_merge_ptcomparison::operator ()(const Cjet &jet1, const Cjet &jet2) const{ double q1, q2; // compute the value for comparison for both jets // This depends on the choice of variable (mt is the default) q1 = jet1.sm_var2; q2 = jet2.sm_var2; bool res = q1 > q2; // if we enable the refined version of the comparison (see defines.h), // we compute the difference more precisely when the two jets are very // close in the ordering variable. #ifdef EPSILON_SPLITMERGE if ( (fabs(q1-q2) < EPSILON_SPLITMERGE*max(q1,q2)) && (jet1.v.ref != jet2.v.ref) ) { // get the momentum of the difference Cmomentum difference; double pt_tilde_difference; get_difference(jet1,jet2,&difference,&pt_tilde_difference); // use the following relation: pt1^2 - pt2^2 = (pt1+pt2)*(pt1-pt2) double qdiff; Cmomentum sum = jet1.v ; sum += jet2.v; double pt_tilde_sum = jet1.pt_tilde + jet2.pt_tilde; // depending on the choice of ordering variable, set the result switch (split_merge_scale){ case SM_mt: qdiff = sum.E*difference.E - sum.pz*difference.pz; break; case SM_pt: qdiff = sum.px*difference.px + sum.py*difference.py; break; case SM_pttilde: qdiff = pt_tilde_sum*pt_tilde_difference; break; case SM_Et: // diff = E^2 (dpt^2 pz^2- pt^2 dpz^2) // + dE^2 (pt^2+pz^2) pt2^2 // where, unless explicitely specified the variables // refer to the first jet or differences jet1-jet2. qdiff = jet1.v.E*jet1.v.E* ((sum.px*difference.px + sum.py*difference.py)*jet1.v.pz*jet1.v.pz -jet1.v.perp2()*sum.pz*difference.pz) +sum.E*difference.E*(jet1.v.perp2()+jet1.v.pz*jet1.v.pz)*jet2.v.perp2(); break; default: throw Csiscone_error("Unsupported split-merge scale choice: " + SM_scale_name()); } res = qdiff > 0; } #endif // EPSILON_SPLITMERGE return res; } /// return a name for the sm scale choice /// NB: used internally and also by fastjet std::string split_merge_scale_name(Esplit_merge_scale sms) { switch(sms) { case SM_pt: return "pt (IR unsafe)"; case SM_Et: return "Et (boost dep.)"; case SM_mt: return "mt (IR safe except for pairs of identical decayed heavy particles)"; case SM_pttilde: return "pttilde (scalar sum of pt's)"; default: return "[SM scale without a name]"; } } // get the difference between 2 jets // - j1 first jet // - j2 second jet // - v jet1-jet2 // - pt_tilde jet1-jet2 pt_tilde // return true if overlapping, false if disjoint //----------------------------------------------- void Csplit_merge_ptcomparison::get_difference(const Cjet &j1, const Cjet &j2, Cmomentum *v, double *pt_tilde) const { int i1,i2; // initialise i1=i2=0; *v = Cmomentum(); *pt_tilde = 0.0; // compute overlap // at the same time, we store union in indices do{ if (j1.contents[i1]==j2.contents[i2]) { i1++; i2++; } else if (j1.contents[i1]j2.contents[i2]){ (*v) -= (*particles)[j2.contents[i2]]; (*pt_tilde) -= (*pt)[j2.contents[i2]]; i2++; } else { throw Csiscone_error("get_non_overlap reached part it should never have seen..."); } } while ((i1(ptcomparison)); // no hardest cut (col-unsafe) SM_var2_hardest_cut_off = -1.0; // no pt cutoff for the particles to put in p_uncol_hard stable_cone_soft_pt2_cutoff = -1.0; } // default dtor //-------------- Csplit_merge::~Csplit_merge(){ full_clear(); } // initialisation function // - _particles list of particles // - protocones list of protocones (initial jet candidates) // - R2 cone radius (squared) // - ptmin minimal pT allowed for jets //------------------------------------------------------------- int Csplit_merge::init(vector &_particles, vector *protocones, double R2, double ptmin){ // browse protocones return add_protocones(protocones, R2, ptmin); } // initialisation function for particle list // - _particles list of particles //------------------------------------------------------------- int Csplit_merge::init_particles(vector &_particles){ full_clear(); // compute the list of particles // here, we do not need to throw away particles // with infinite rapidity (colinear with the beam) particles = _particles; n = particles.size(); // build the vector of particles' pt and determine min,max eta double eta_min=0.0; /// for the Ceta_phi_range static member! double eta_max=0.0; /// for the Ceta_phi_range static member! pt.resize(n); for (int i=0;i(ptcomparison)); // start off with huge number most_ambiguous_split = numeric_limits::max(); jets.clear(); #ifdef ALLOW_MERGE_IDENTICAL_PROTOCONES if (merge_identical_protocones) cand_refs.clear(); #endif p_remain.clear(); return 0; } // full clearance //---------------- int Csplit_merge::full_clear(){ partial_clear(); // clear previously allocated memory if (indices != NULL){ delete[] indices; } particles.clear(); return 0; } // build the list 'p_uncol_hard' from p_remain by clustering collinear particles // note that thins in only used for stable-cone detection // so the parent_index field is unnecessary //------------------------------------------------------------------------- int Csplit_merge::merge_collinear_and_remove_soft(){ int i,j; vector p_sorted; bool collinear; double dphi; p_uncol_hard.clear(); // we first sort the particles according to their rapidity for (i=0;iM_PI) dphi = twopi-dphi; if (dphi *protocones, double R2, double ptmin){ int i; Cmomentum *c; Cmomentum *v; double eta, phi; double dx, dy; double R; Cjet jet; if (protocones->size()==0) return 1; pt_min2 = ptmin*ptmin; R = sqrt(R2); // browse protocones // for each of them, build the list of particles in them for (vector::iterator p_it = protocones->begin();p_it != protocones->end();p_it++){ // initialise variables c = &(*p_it); // note: cones have been tested => their (eta,phi) coordinates are computed eta = c->eta; phi = c->phi; // browse particles to create cone contents // note that jet is always initialised with default values at this level jet.v = Cmomentum(); jet.pt_tilde=0; jet.contents.clear(); for (i=0;ipz)!=v->E){ dx = eta - v->eta; dy = fabs(phi - v->phi); if (dy>M_PI) dy -= twopi; if (dx*dx+dy*dyparent_index); jet.v+= *v; jet.pt_tilde+= pt[v->parent_index]; v->index=0; } } jet.n=jet.contents.size(); // set the momentum in protocones // (it was only known through eta and phi up to now) *c = jet.v; c->eta = eta; // restore exact original coords c->phi = phi; // to avoid rounding error inconsistencies // set the jet range jet.range=Ceta_phi_range(eta,phi,R); #ifdef DEBUG_SPLIT_MERGE cout << "adding jet: "; for (int i2=0;i2size()==0) return 0; if (overlap_tshold>=1.0 || overlap_tshold <= 0) { ostringstream message; message << "Illegal value for overlap_tshold, f = " << overlap_tshold; message << " (legal values are 0size()>0){ // browse for the first jet j1 = candidates->begin(); // if hardest jet does not pass threshold then nothing else will // either so one stops the split merge. if (j1->sm_var2end()){ #ifdef DEBUG_SPLIT_MERGE show(); #endif // check overlapping if (get_overlap(*j1, *j2, &overlap2)){ // check if overlapping energy passes threshold // Note that this depends on the ordering variable #ifdef DEBUG_SPLIT_MERGE cout << "overlap between cdt 1 and cdt " << j2_relindex+1 << " with overlap " << sqrt(overlap2/j2->sm_var2) << endl<sm_var2){ // split jets split(j1, j2); // update iterators j2 = j1 = candidates->begin(); j2_relindex = 0; } else { // merge jets merge(j1, j2); // update iterators j2 = j1 = candidates->begin(); j2_relindex = 0; } } // watch out: split/merge might have caused new jets with pt < // ptmin to disappear, so the total number of jets may // have changed by more than expected and j2 might already by // the end of the candidates list... j2_relindex++; if (j2 != candidates->end()) j2++; } // end of loop on the second jet if (j1 != candidates->end()) { // all "second jet" passed without overlapping // (otherwise we won't leave the j2 loop) // => store jet 1 as real jet jets.push_back(*j1); jets[jets.size()-1].v.build_etaphi(); // a bug where the contents has non-zero size has been cropping // up in many contexts -- so catch it! assert(j1->contents.size() > 0); jets[jets.size()-1].pass = particles[j1->contents[0]].index; #ifdef ALLOW_MERGE_IDENTICAL_PROTOCONES cand_refs.erase(j1->v.ref); #endif candidates->erase(j1); //// test that the hardest jet pass the potential cut-off //if ((candidates->size()!=0) && // (candidates->begin()->sm_var2clear(); //} } } } while (candidates->size()>0); // sort jets by pT sort(jets.begin(), jets.end(), jets_pt_less); #ifdef DEBUG_SPLIT_MERGE show(); #endif return jets.size(); } // save the event on disk // - flux stream used to save jet contents //-------------------------------------------- int Csplit_merge::save_contents(FILE *flux){ jet_iterator it_j; Cjet *j1; int i1, i2; fprintf(flux, "# %d jets found\n", (int) jets.size()); fprintf(flux, "# columns are: eta, phi, pt and number of particles for each jet\n"); for (it_j = jets.begin(), i1=0 ; it_j != jets.end() ; it_j++, i1++){ j1 = &(*it_j); j1->v.build_etaphi(); fprintf(flux, "%lf\t%lf\t%le\t%d\n", j1->v.eta, j1->v.phi, j1->v.perp(), j1->n); } fprintf(flux, "# jet contents\n"); fprintf(flux, "# columns are: eta, phi, pt, particle index and jet number\n"); for (it_j = jets.begin(), i1=0 ; it_j != jets.end() ; it_j++, i1++){ j1 = &(*it_j); for (i2=0;i2n;i2++) fprintf(flux, "%lf\t%lf\t%le\t%d\t%d\n", particles[j1->contents[i2]].eta, particles[j1->contents[i2]].phi, particles[j1->contents[i2]].perp(), j1->contents[i2], i1); } return 0; } // show current jets/candidate status //------------------------------------ int Csplit_merge::show(){ jet_iterator it_j; cjet_iterator it_c; Cjet *j; const Cjet *c; int i1, i2; for (it_j = jets.begin(), i1=0 ; it_j != jets.end() ; it_j++, i1++){ j = &(*it_j); fprintf(stdout, "jet %2d: %le\t%le\t%le\t%le\t", i1+1, j->v.px, j->v.py, j->v.pz, j->v.E); for (i2=0;i2n;i2++) fprintf(stdout, "%d ", j->contents[i2]); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } for (it_c = candidates->begin(), i1=0 ; it_c != candidates->end() ; it_c++, i1++){ c = &(*it_c); fprintf(stdout, "cdt %2d: %le\t%le\t%le\t%le\t%le\t", i1+1, c->v.px, c->v.py, c->v.pz, c->v.E, sqrt(c->sm_var2)); for (i2=0;i2n;i2++) fprintf(stdout, "%d ", c->contents[i2]); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); return 0; } // get the overlap between 2 jets // - j1 first jet // - j2 second jet // - overlap2 returned overlap^2 (determined by the choice of SM variable) // return true if overlapping, false if disjoint //--------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Csplit_merge::get_overlap(const Cjet &j1, const Cjet &j2, double *overlap2){ // check if ranges overlap if (!is_range_overlap(j1.range,j2.range)) return false; int i1,i2; bool is_overlap; // initialise i1=i2=idx_size=0; is_overlap = false; Cmomentum v; double pt_tilde=0.0; // compute overlap // at the same time, we store union in indices do{ if (j1.contents[i1]j2.contents[i2]){ indices[idx_size] = j2.contents[i2]; i2++; } else { // (j1.contents[i1]==j2.contents[i2]) v += particles[j1.contents[i1]]; pt_tilde += pt[j1.contents[i1]]; indices[idx_size] = j1.contents[i1]; i1++; i2++; is_overlap = true; } idx_size++; } while ((i1" all over the place const Cjet & j1 = * it_j1; const Cjet & j2 = * it_j2; i1=i2=0; jet2.v = jet1.v = Cmomentum(); jet2.pt_tilde = jet1.pt_tilde = 0.0; // compute centroids tmp = j1.v; tmp.build_etaphi(); eta1 = tmp.eta; phi1 = tmp.phi; tmp = j2.v; tmp.build_etaphi(); eta2 = tmp.eta; phi2 = tmp.phi; jet1.v = jet2.v = Cmomentum(); // compute jet splitting do{ if (j1.contents[i1]eta,v->phi); } else if (j1.contents[i1]>j2.contents[i2]){ // particle i2 belong only to jet 2 v = &(particles[j2.contents[i2]]); jet2.contents.push_back(j2.contents[i2]); jet2.v += *v; jet2.pt_tilde += pt[j2.contents[i2]]; i2++; jet2.range.add_particle(v->eta,v->phi); } else { // (j1.contents[i1]==j2.contents[i2]) // common particle, decide which is the closest centre v = &(particles[j1.contents[i1]]); // distance w.r.t. centroid 1 dx1 = eta1 - v->eta; dy1 = fabs(phi1 - v->phi); if (dy1>M_PI) dy1 -= twopi; // distance w.r.t. centroid 2 dx2 = eta2 - v->eta; dy2 = fabs(phi2 - v->phi); if (dy2>M_PI) dy2 -= twopi; //? what when == ? double d1sq = dx1*dx1+dy1*dy1; double d2sq = dx2*dx2+dy2*dy2; // do bookkeeping on most ambiguous split if (fabs(d1sq-d2sq) < most_ambiguous_split) most_ambiguous_split = fabs(d1sq-d2sq); if (d1sqeta,v->phi); } else { // particle i2 belong only to jet 2 jet2.contents.push_back(j2.contents[i2]); jet2.v += *v; jet2.pt_tilde += pt[j2.contents[i2]]; jet2.range.add_particle(v->eta,v->phi); } i1++; i2++; } } while ((i1eta,v->phi); } while (i2eta,v->phi); } // finalise jets jet1.n = jet1.contents.size(); jet2.n = jet2.contents.size(); //jet1.range = j1.range; //jet2.range = j2.range; // remove previous jets #ifdef ALLOW_MERGE_IDENTICAL_PROTOCONES cand_refs.erase(j1.v.ref); cand_refs.erase(j2.v.ref); #endif candidates->erase(it_j1); candidates->erase(it_j2); // reinsert new ones insert(jet1); insert(jet2); return true; } // merge the two given jet. // during this procedure, the jets j1 & j2 are replaced // by 1 single jets containing both of them. // - it_j1 iterator of the first jet in 'candidates' // - it_j2 iterator of the second jet in 'candidates' // return true on success, false on error //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool Csplit_merge::merge(cjet_iterator &it_j1, cjet_iterator &it_j2){ Cjet jet; int i; // build new jet // note: particles within j1 & j2 have already been stored in indices for (i=0;irange, it_j2->range); // remove old candidates #ifdef ALLOW_MERGE_IDENTICAL_PROTOCONES if (merge_identical_protocones){ cand_refs.erase(it_j1->v.ref); cand_refs.erase(it_j2->v.ref); } #endif candidates->erase(it_j1); candidates->erase(it_j2); // reinsert new candidate insert(jet); return true; } /** * Check whether or not a jet has to be inserted in the * list of protojets. If it has, set its sm_variable and * insert it to the list of protojets. */ bool Csplit_merge::insert(Cjet &jet){ // eventually check that no other candidate are present with the // same cone contents. We recall that this automatic merging of // identical protocones can lead to infrared-unsafe situations. #ifdef ALLOW_MERGE_IDENTICAL_PROTOCONES if ((merge_identical_protocones) && (!cand_refs.insert(jet.v.ref).second)) return false; #endif // check that the protojet has large enough pt if (jet.v.perp2()insert(jet); return true; } /** * given a 4-momentum and its associated pT, return the * variable that has to be used for SM * \param v 4 momentum of the protojet * \param pt_tilde pt_tilde of the protojet */ double Csplit_merge::get_sm_var2(Cmomentum &v, double &pt_tilde){ switch(ptcomparison.split_merge_scale) { case SM_pt: return v.perp2(); case SM_mt: return v.perpmass2(); case SM_pttilde: return pt_tilde*pt_tilde; case SM_Et: return v.Et2(); default: throw Csiscone_error("Unsupported split-merge scale choice: " + ptcomparison.SM_scale_name()); } return 0.0; } }