// -*- C++ -*- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This file is a part of the CLHEP - a Class Library for High Energy Physics. // // This is the implementation of the HepBoostY class. // #ifdef GNUPRAGMA #pragma implementation #endif #include "CLHEP/Vector/defs.h" #include "CLHEP/Vector/BoostY.h" #include "CLHEP/Vector/Boost.h" #include "CLHEP/Vector/Rotation.h" #include "CLHEP/Vector/LorentzRotation.h" #include "CLHEP/Vector/ZMxpv.h" namespace CLHEP { // ---------- Constructors and Assignment: HepBoostY & HepBoostY::set (double beta) { double b2 = beta*beta; if (b2 >= 1) { ZMthrowA (ZMxpvTachyonic( "Beta supplied to set HepBoostY represents speed >= c.")); beta_ = 1.0 - 1.0E-8; // NaN-proofing gamma_ = 1.0 / sqrt(1.0 - b2); return *this; } beta_ = beta; gamma_ = 1.0 / sqrt(1.0 - b2); return *this; } // ---------- Accessors: HepRep4x4 HepBoostY::rep4x4() const { double bg = beta_*gamma_; return HepRep4x4( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, gamma_, 0, bg, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, bg, 0, gamma_ ); } HepRep4x4Symmetric HepBoostY::rep4x4Symmetric() const { double bg = beta_*gamma_; return HepRep4x4Symmetric ( 1, 0, 0, 0, gamma_, 0, bg, 1, 0, gamma_ ); } // ---------- Decomposition: void HepBoostY::decompose (HepRotation & rotation, HepBoost & boost) const { HepAxisAngle vdelta = HepAxisAngle(); rotation = HepRotation(vdelta); Hep3Vector beta = boostVector(); boost = HepBoost(beta); } void HepBoostY::decompose (HepAxisAngle & rotation, Hep3Vector & boost) const { rotation = HepAxisAngle(); boost = boostVector(); } void HepBoostY::decompose (HepBoost & boost, HepRotation & rotation) const { HepAxisAngle vdelta = HepAxisAngle(); rotation = HepRotation(vdelta); Hep3Vector beta = boostVector(); boost = HepBoost(beta); } void HepBoostY::decompose (Hep3Vector & boost, HepAxisAngle & rotation) const { rotation = HepAxisAngle(); boost = boostVector(); } // ---------- Comparisons: double HepBoostY::distance2( const HepBoost & b ) const { return b.distance2(*this); } double HepBoostY::distance2( const HepRotation & r ) const { double db2 = norm2(); double dr2 = r.norm2(); return (db2 + dr2); } double HepBoostY::distance2( const HepLorentzRotation & lt ) const { HepBoost b1; HepRotation r1; lt.decompose(b1,r1); double db2 = distance2(b1); double dr2 = r1.norm2(); return (db2 + dr2); } bool HepBoostY::isNear (const HepRotation & r, double epsilon) const { double db2 = norm2(); if (db2 > epsilon*epsilon) return false; double dr2 = r.norm2(); return (db2+dr2 <= epsilon*epsilon); } bool HepBoostY::isNear ( const HepLorentzRotation & lt, double epsilon ) const { HepBoost b1; HepRotation r1; double db2 = distance2(b1); lt.decompose(b1,r1); if (db2 > epsilon*epsilon) return false; double dr2 = r1.norm2(); return (db2 + dr2); } // ---------- Properties: void HepBoostY::rectify() { // Assuming the representation of this is close to a true pure boost, // but may have drifted due to round-off error from many operations, // this forms an "exact" pure BoostY matrix for again. double b2 = beta_*beta_; if (b2 >= 1) { beta_ = 1.0 - 1.0e-8; // Nan-proofing b2 = beta_*beta_; } gamma_ = 1.0 / sqrt(1.0 - b2); } // ---------- Application: // ---------- Operations in the group of 4-Rotations HepBoostY HepBoostY::operator * (const HepBoostY & b) const { return HepBoostY ( (beta()+b.beta()) / (1+beta()*b.beta()) ); } HepLorentzRotation HepBoostY::operator * (const HepBoost & b) const { HepLorentzRotation me (*this); return me*b; } HepLorentzRotation HepBoostY::operator * (const HepRotation & r) const { HepLorentzRotation me (*this); return me*r; } HepLorentzRotation HepBoostY::operator * (const HepLorentzRotation & lt) const { HepLorentzRotation me (*this); return me*lt; } // ---------- I/O std::ostream & HepBoostY::print( std::ostream & os ) const { os << "Boost in Y direction (beta = " << beta_ << ", gamma = " << gamma_ << ") "; return os; } } // namespace CLHEP