// -*- C++ -*- // $Id: Rotation.icc,v 1.1 2008-06-04 14:14:59 demin Exp $ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This file is a part of the CLHEP - a Class Library for High Energy Physics. // // This is the definitions of the inline member functions of the // HepRotation class // namespace CLHEP { // Put commonly used accessors as early as possible to avoid inlining misses: inline double HepRotation::xx() const { return rxx; } inline double HepRotation::xy() const { return rxy; } inline double HepRotation::xz() const { return rxz; } inline double HepRotation::yx() const { return ryx; } inline double HepRotation::yy() const { return ryy; } inline double HepRotation::yz() const { return ryz; } inline double HepRotation::zx() const { return rzx; } inline double HepRotation::zy() const { return rzy; } inline double HepRotation::zz() const { return rzz; } inline HepRep3x3 HepRotation::rep3x3() const { return HepRep3x3 ( rxx, rxy, rxz, ryx, ryy, ryz, rzx, rzy, rzz ); } inline double HepRotation::xt() const { return 0.0; } inline double HepRotation::yt() const { return 0.0; } inline double HepRotation::zt() const { return 0.0; } inline double HepRotation::tx() const { return 0.0; } inline double HepRotation::ty() const { return 0.0; } inline double HepRotation::tz() const { return 0.0; } inline double HepRotation::tt() const { return 1.0; } inline HepRep4x4 HepRotation::rep4x4() const { return HepRep4x4 ( rxx, rxy, rxz, 0.0, ryx, ryy, ryz, 0.0, rzx, rzy, rzz, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); } // Ctors etc: inline HepRotation::HepRotation() : rxx(1.0), rxy(0.0), rxz(0.0), ryx(0.0), ryy(1.0), ryz(0.0), rzx(0.0), rzy(0.0), rzz(1.0) {} inline HepRotation::HepRotation(const HepRotation & m) : rxx(m.rxx), rxy(m.rxy), rxz(m.rxz), ryx(m.ryx), ryy(m.ryy), ryz(m.ryz), rzx(m.rzx), rzy(m.rzy), rzz(m.rzz) {} inline HepRotation::HepRotation (double mxx, double mxy, double mxz, double myx, double myy, double myz, double mzx, double mzy, double mzz) : rxx(mxx), rxy(mxy), rxz(mxz), ryx(myx), ryy(myy), ryz(myz), rzx(mzx), rzy(mzy), rzz(mzz) {} inline HepRotation::HepRotation ( const HepRep3x3 & m ) : rxx(m.xx_), rxy(m.xy_), rxz(m.xz_), ryx(m.yx_), ryy(m.yy_), ryz(m.yz_), rzx(m.zx_), rzy(m.zy_), rzz(m.zz_) {} inline HepRotation::HepRotation(const HepRotationX & rx) : rxx(1.0), rxy(0.0), rxz(0.0), ryx(0.0), ryy(rx.yy()), ryz(rx.yz()), rzx(0.0), rzy(rx.zy()), rzz(rx.zz()) {} inline HepRotation::HepRotation(const HepRotationY & ry) : rxx(ry.xx()), rxy(0.0), rxz(ry.xz()), ryx(0.0), ryy(1.0), ryz(0.0), rzx(ry.zx()), rzy(0.0), rzz(ry.zz()) {} inline HepRotation::HepRotation(const HepRotationZ & rz) : rxx(rz.xx()), rxy(rz.xy()), rxz(0.0), ryx(rz.yx()), ryy(rz.yy()), ryz(0.0), rzx(0.0), rzy(0.0), rzz(1.0) {} inline HepRotation::~HepRotation() {} // More accessors: inline HepRotation::HepRotation_row::HepRotation_row (const HepRotation & r, int i) : rr(r), ii(i) {} inline double HepRotation::HepRotation_row::operator [] (int jj) const { return rr(ii,jj); } inline const HepRotation::HepRotation_row HepRotation::operator [] (int i) const { return HepRotation_row(*this, i); } inline Hep3Vector HepRotation::colX() const { return Hep3Vector ( rxx, ryx, rzx ); } inline Hep3Vector HepRotation::colY() const { return Hep3Vector ( rxy, ryy, rzy ); } inline Hep3Vector HepRotation::colZ() const { return Hep3Vector ( rxz, ryz, rzz ); } inline Hep3Vector HepRotation::rowX() const { return Hep3Vector ( rxx, rxy, rxz ); } inline Hep3Vector HepRotation::rowY() const { return Hep3Vector ( ryx, ryy, ryz ); } inline Hep3Vector HepRotation::rowZ() const { return Hep3Vector ( rzx, rzy, rzz ); } inline HepLorentzVector HepRotation::col1() const { return HepLorentzVector (colX(), 0); } inline HepLorentzVector HepRotation::col2() const { return HepLorentzVector (colY(), 0); } inline HepLorentzVector HepRotation::col3() const { return HepLorentzVector (colZ(), 0); } inline HepLorentzVector HepRotation::col4() const { return HepLorentzVector (0,0,0,1); } inline HepLorentzVector HepRotation::row1() const { return HepLorentzVector (rowX(), 0); } inline HepLorentzVector HepRotation::row2() const { return HepLorentzVector (rowY(), 0); } inline HepLorentzVector HepRotation::row3() const { return HepLorentzVector (rowZ(), 0); } inline HepLorentzVector HepRotation::row4() const { return HepLorentzVector (0,0,0,1); } inline double HepRotation::getPhi () const { return phi(); } inline double HepRotation::getTheta() const { return theta(); } inline double HepRotation::getPsi () const { return psi(); } inline double HepRotation::getDelta() const { return delta(); } inline Hep3Vector HepRotation::getAxis () const { return axis(); } inline HepRotation & HepRotation::operator = (const HepRotation & m) { rxx = m.rxx; rxy = m.rxy; rxz = m.rxz; ryx = m.ryx; ryy = m.ryy; ryz = m.ryz; rzx = m.rzx; rzy = m.rzy; rzz = m.rzz; return *this; } inline HepRotation & HepRotation::set(const HepRep3x3 & m) { rxx = m.xx_; rxy = m.xy_; rxz = m.xz_; ryx = m.yx_; ryy = m.yy_; ryz = m.yz_; rzx = m.zx_; rzy = m.zy_; rzz = m.zz_; return *this; } inline HepRotation & HepRotation::set(const HepRotationX & r) { return (set (r.rep3x3())); } inline HepRotation & HepRotation::set(const HepRotationY & r) { return (set (r.rep3x3())); } inline HepRotation & HepRotation::set(const HepRotationZ & r) { return (set (r.rep3x3())); } inline HepRotation & HepRotation::operator= (const HepRotationX & r) { return (set (r.rep3x3())); } inline HepRotation & HepRotation::operator= (const HepRotationY & r) { return (set (r.rep3x3())); } inline HepRotation & HepRotation::operator= (const HepRotationZ & r) { return (set (r.rep3x3())); } inline Hep3Vector HepRotation::operator * (const Hep3Vector & p) const { return Hep3Vector(rxx*p.x() + rxy*p.y() + rxz*p.z(), ryx*p.x() + ryy*p.y() + ryz*p.z(), rzx*p.x() + rzy*p.y() + rzz*p.z()); // This is identical to the code in the CLHEP 1.6 version } inline Hep3Vector HepRotation::operator () (const Hep3Vector & p) const { register double x = p.x(); register double y = p.y(); register double z = p.z(); return Hep3Vector(rxx*x + rxy*y + rxz*z, ryx*x + ryy*y + ryz*z, rzx*x + rzy*y + rzz*z); } inline HepLorentzVector HepRotation::operator () (const HepLorentzVector & w) const { return HepLorentzVector( operator() (w.vect()), w.t() ); } inline HepLorentzVector HepRotation::operator * (const HepLorentzVector & p) const { return operator()(p); } inline HepRotation HepRotation::operator* (const HepRotation & r) const { return HepRotation(rxx*r.rxx + rxy*r.ryx + rxz*r.rzx, rxx*r.rxy + rxy*r.ryy + rxz*r.rzy, rxx*r.rxz + rxy*r.ryz + rxz*r.rzz, ryx*r.rxx + ryy*r.ryx + ryz*r.rzx, ryx*r.rxy + ryy*r.ryy + ryz*r.rzy, ryx*r.rxz + ryy*r.ryz + ryz*r.rzz, rzx*r.rxx + rzy*r.ryx + rzz*r.rzx, rzx*r.rxy + rzy*r.ryy + rzz*r.rzy, rzx*r.rxz + rzy*r.ryz + rzz*r.rzz ); } inline HepRotation HepRotation::operator * (const HepRotationX & rx) const { double yy = rx.yy(); double yz = rx.yz(); double zy = -yz; double zz = yy; return HepRotation( rxx, rxy*yy + rxz*zy, rxy*yz + rxz*zz, ryx, ryy*yy + ryz*zy, ryy*yz + ryz*zz, rzx, rzy*yy + rzz*zy, rzy*yz + rzz*zz ); } inline HepRotation HepRotation::operator * (const HepRotationY & ry) const { double xx = ry.xx(); double xz = ry.xz(); double zx = -xz; double zz = xx; return HepRotation( rxx*xx + rxz*zx, rxy, rxx*xz + rxz*zz, ryx*xx + ryz*zx, ryy, ryx*xz + ryz*zz, rzx*xx + rzz*zx, rzy, rzx*xz + rzz*zz ); } inline HepRotation HepRotation::operator * (const HepRotationZ & rz) const { double xx = rz.xx(); double xy = rz.xy(); double yx = -xy; double yy = xx; return HepRotation( rxx*xx + rxy*yx, rxx*xy + rxy*yy, rxz, ryx*xx + ryy*yx, ryx*xy + ryy*yy, ryz, rzx*xx + rzy*yx, rzx*xy + rzy*yy, rzz ); } inline HepRotation & HepRotation::operator *= (const HepRotation & r) { return *this = (*this) * (r); } inline HepRotation & HepRotation::operator *= (const HepRotationX & r) { return *this = (*this) * (r); } inline HepRotation & HepRotation::operator *= (const HepRotationY & r) { return *this = (*this) * (r); } inline HepRotation & HepRotation::operator *= (const HepRotationZ & r) { return *this = (*this) * (r); } inline HepRotation & HepRotation::transform(const HepRotation & r) { return *this = r * (*this); } inline HepRotation & HepRotation::transform(const HepRotationX & r) { return *this = r * (*this); } inline HepRotation & HepRotation::transform(const HepRotationY & r) { return *this = r * (*this); } inline HepRotation & HepRotation::transform(const HepRotationZ & r) { return *this = r * (*this); } inline HepRotation HepRotation::inverse() const { return HepRotation( rxx, ryx, rzx, rxy, ryy, rzy, rxz, ryz, rzz ); } inline HepRotation inverseOf (const HepRotation & r) { return r.inverse(); } inline HepRotation & HepRotation::invert() { return *this=inverse(); } inline HepRotation & HepRotation::rotate (double delta, const Hep3Vector * p) { return rotate(delta, *p); } inline bool HepRotation::operator== ( const HepRotation & r ) const { return ( rxx==r.rxx && rxy==r.rxy && rxz==r.rxz && ryx==r.ryx && ryy==r.ryy && ryz==r.ryz && rzx==r.rzx && rzy==r.rzy && rzz==r.rzz ); } inline bool HepRotation::operator!= ( const HepRotation & r ) const { return ! operator==(r); } inline bool HepRotation::operator< ( const HepRotation & r ) const { return compare(r)< 0; } inline bool HepRotation::operator<=( const HepRotation & r ) const { return compare(r)<=0; } inline bool HepRotation::operator>=( const HepRotation & r ) const { return compare(r)>=0; } inline bool HepRotation::operator> ( const HepRotation & r ) const { return compare(r)> 0; } inline double HepRotation::getTolerance() { return Hep4RotationInterface::tolerance; } inline double HepRotation::setTolerance(double tol) { return Hep4RotationInterface::setTolerance(tol); } inline HepRotation operator * (const HepRotationX & rx, const HepRotation & r){ HepRep3x3 m = r.rep3x3(); double c = rx.yy(); double s = rx.zy(); return HepRotation ( m.xx_, m.xy_, m.xz_, c*m.yx_-s*m.zx_, c*m.yy_-s*m.zy_, c*m.yz_-s*m.zz_, s*m.yx_+c*m.zx_, s*m.yy_+c*m.zy_, s*m.yz_+c*m.zz_ ); } inline HepRotation operator * (const HepRotationY & ry, const HepRotation & r){ HepRep3x3 m = r.rep3x3(); double c = ry.xx(); double s = ry.xz(); return HepRotation ( c*m.xx_+s*m.zx_, c*m.xy_+s*m.zy_, c*m.xz_+s*m.zz_, m.yx_, m.yy_, m.yz_, -s*m.xx_+c*m.zx_,-s*m.xy_+c*m.zy_,-s*m.xz_+c*m.zz_ ); } inline HepRotation operator * (const HepRotationZ & rz, const HepRotation & r){ HepRep3x3 m = r.rep3x3(); double c = rz.xx(); double s = rz.yx(); return HepRotation ( c*m.xx_-s*m.yx_, c*m.xy_-s*m.yy_, c*m.xz_-s*m.yz_, s*m.xx_+c*m.yx_, s*m.xy_+c*m.yy_, s*m.xz_+c*m.yz_, m.zx_, m.zy_, m.zz_ ); } } // namespace CLHEP