August 31 - September 6

0_common, 1_CP3, 2_IIHE, 3_Joint-THEP, 4_Antwerpen, 5_PhTh-FI-ULB, 6_IFPA-ULg, Antwerpen, BEL-center, BEL-center_pheno, BEL-center_theory, CP3, IFPA-ULg, IIHE, Joint-THEP, PhTh-FI-ULB, THEP_Leuven, VUB, common
Calendar view
Tuesday, September 2
Time: 3:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Location: CYCL 01
Summary: Soutenance publique de thèse - Michaël Fanuel - Non-perturbative Quantum Electrodynamics in low dimensions
Wednesday, September 3
Time: All day event
Location: ULB - Solvay room
Summary: Solvay Workshop: Beta-Decay Weak Interaction Studies in the Era of the LHC
Time: 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Location: PhysTh seminar room (Building NO, 7th floor, room 110)
Summary: ULB PhysTh journal club
Friday, September 5
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Summary: ULBPhysTh seminar. Mikhail Ivanov (INR, Moscow): "Testing Lorentz Invariance of the Universe: dark matter"