March 23 - March 29

0_common, 1_CP3, 2_IIHE, 3_Joint-THEP, 4_Antwerpen, 5_PhTh-FI-ULB, 6_IFPA-ULg, Antwerpen, BEL-center, BEL-center_pheno, BEL-center_theory, CP3, IFPA-ULg, IIHE, Joint-THEP, PhTh-FI-ULB, THEP_Leuven, VUB, common
Calendar view
Wednesday, March 26
Time: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Location: ITF, KULeuven, Celestijnenlaan 200S, S00.03
Summary: Bert Janssen: Probes in fluxbranes and supersymmetry breaking through hodge-duality
Time: 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Location: ITF, KULeuven, Celestijnenlaan 200C, C01.A
Summary: Fabio Riccioni: Truncations of the D9 brane action and type I strings